forum has been so active recently :)

I usally point people to a certain forum when asking saltwater question on a mainly freshwater forum for the good of their fish and corals.
im pretty sure this forum has a lot of saltwater people, right? i mean the website banner is a saltwater environment
The salt water section of the forum has the least posts. The banner is just a banner not a reflection of the forum content.
Well, another major fish forum fairly recently got a lot more strict with the rules. The Mods were cracking down on stuff. I personally had quite a few friends get banned from the forum for lame reasons. There was then a large movement of a bunch of the old members boycotting them and moving to other forums.

I am still a member of that other forum and use that forum, but it’s certainly less active then it used to be a be a lot of the old members left or were banned.
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Well, another major fish forum fairly recently got a lot more strict with the rules. The Mods were cracking down on stuff. I personally had quite a few friends get banned from the forum for lame reasons. There was then a large movement of a bunch of the old members boycotting fishlore and moving to other forums.

I am still a member of that other forum and use that forum, but it’s certainly less active then it used to be a be a lot of the old members left or were banned.
same, i am too but it is bad when it comes to urgent stuff, you have t o be approoved bymoderator

(sorry if my spelling is butchered)

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