This is the way i see things;
a. Some of the more experienced betta owners and breeders can get a little hot tempered on these subjects but when there are so many people jumping into betta breeding at the deep end before they even know how to swim, you can't realy blame people for getting a bit irritated at times.
b. I realy don't know what the huge fuss with breeding is when it comes to people wanting to do it, i see so many people on this forum everyday intent on breeding somthing, anything, wether it be BN plec, krib or guppy or even betta, they have their mind set on breeding somthing that lives and swims in a tank whatever it is.
Sure, there are fish that are easy to breed like guppys or platys, but there is no fish that i am aware of that doesn't require you to invest in lots of fry tanks/large fry tank and research and high maintanence.
I realy dislike the "i want to try my hand at breeding" scenario, or "im bored, can anyone suggest a fish i can breed that isn't a livebearer" scenario. Breeding any fish is not somthing you do to try your hand at or do when you have nothing else better to do as in all cases of fish breeding, it is time and money consuming and needs alot of responsability and research to do correctly.
Sure betta fry are cute, but even i myself would never attempt it simply because of the huge amount of fry they produce and tanks they require to house them and the fact that male and female bettas can just as easily tear each other apart as mate- they aern't called fighting fish for nothing you know.
The betta world is a world of sex, violence and tons of fry.
This is why i believe so many people who are experienced with betta breeding get so worked up when a total newb to bettas with not a clue on the money/tanks, space and effort involved in betta breeding wants to breed them- i don't think it is not unfair to try and scare the odd newb to betta breeding away from the notion as long as its done in a civilised manner because the fact is, most of them will regret it or end up with the situation where they do not have the time, money and space to deal the bettas and fry and care for them.
The majority of people on this forum deeply care about fish even if they are not their own and all they are trying to do is whats best for the person, the situation and the fish.
c. Back on to the subject with as this taken into consideration, yes i do think people can be a bit harsh towards newbs in a scenario where more civilised talk is more than effective and some people do tend to jump to conclusions even if they are likely, every new betta breeder should be given a chance to understand and thats all i saying realy. If they decided to go against advice or not take it in, sure, go have a flame at them, but some people here do tend to be a bit too much on the agressive side when dealing with first time betta breeders on the first couple of posts/page.