Food Hogging Discus


New Member
Mar 24, 2008
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Auckland, New Zealand
My 6 Discus are more interested in my bristlenose pairs sinking algae discs rather than eating there flake and tetra bit. When i put the food in discus are all over it but once the i put in tthe algae discs, the discus chase off the bristlenose and fight over the discs. Im afraid the brislenose might starve to death.What shuld i do
My 6 Discus are more interested in my bristlenose pairs sinking algae discs rather than eating there flake and tetra bit. When i put the food in discus are all over it but once the i put in tthe algae discs, the discus chase off the bristlenose and fight over the discs. Im afraid the brislenose might starve to death.What shuld i do

Add a few more algae waffles to the tank, hopfully they will get some food. I wouldt worry, BN will eat, algae in the tank, snails, Just make sure they have some sources of food in there

Where abouts in Auckland are you? do you live near cheltenham beach?
Don't think there is a chance of them starving, they will always find some small leftovers under plants etc. if not they'll eat the algae, give them some cucumber, the discus won't bother with that
regards Angel
slice of potatoes may be best take out after 24hr, before it turns to slime and have algae problems.

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