Mr Miagi
Veins are flowing with SW, now going back to FW!
alls i can say about the clownfish rule is (and im gonna get killed about this) sure they shouldnt really be kept in anything downwards of like 20gallons but i think people are sometimes over react a lot and make out that the clown is going to grow to be 15000000000000 foot long and wont even fit in your house. remembber tis your tank and stock with whatever you want (erm well dont mean that really because it isnt wise to plonk anything that gets probably + 5" long)
now if you are done sending me those letter bombs then alls i can say stock moderately and do what you think is okay...
Sorry, but I find this kind of comment increadably annoying and misleading. Whilst I wont send you letter bombs ( ), or argue with stocking levels, because yes they can vary in others views, im going to offer further comments.
Moderately stocking does not mean you can keep a few big fish in a small tank. It means the bioload placed on your tanks filtration capacity is kept lower than its maximum, it does not mean you can keep any fish, as long its bioload is medium.
If they really shouldnt be kept in anything less than 20gallons (your words), why would you suggest Betta5 offer his fish a substandard life when there are other alternate fish already pointed out, more suitable? Take a look at some mature clowns. They can get big.
I know who's advice is going to look more attractive, because want outweighs more sensible thoughts.
It reminds me of the old "I knew a friend who did it, so I can".
I would have thought you could do a FO in a nano, my next door neighbour has done one. Its a 24x12x15. She has 2 clowns with lots of decoration rock. It look really nice, she uses treated tap water and has had no problems in about 3 years apart from an algea bloom or 2.
Yes, you could, it is possible. But for someone on a budget, and in a 10g tank, there isnt much point as pointed out, and the best possible setup, which would be backed up by other people and sites is with LR. But hey:
" remembber tis your tank and stock with whatever you want".
We just try and offer the best advice, and hope its put to good use.