Fluval Edge 23L Stocking

MBOU said:
- 3 products that works great in the HOB filter... Evolution Aqua Pure balls (fit in by the flow adjuster), Polyfilter (not cheap and aimed at marine but if you cut tiny cube and put it in by flow adjuster... it strips out EVERYTHING bad) and last but not least... the Greenex 'teabag'... really does help with algae (though Polyfilter does this too...).
I use the Evolution Aqua Pure Pond balls as you get more for your money than the Aquarium version, the only difference is that they are black vs clear.  In your filter you cannot see them anyway ;)  I tend to put mine in with the filter media so that it seeds the media.
Can you explain more about the Greenex teabag as I have not heard of this before?
The black ones aren't very effective indoors by the way, they are designed to work at much much lower temperatures, lower than you can achieve inside without putting a chiller on the tank.
I had a chat with the Evolution Aqua rep about it as I was using the pond ones as well and he did explain at the time why they wouldn't really work but 2 years later I have forgotten why, will ask when I next see him.
The Greenex teabag thing is old school, doesn't always help but it reduces nitrates and phosphates a little bit, especially without many plants to use either nutrient and so it starves out the algae. Same as Fluval Clearmax :) Its what it used to be called (GreenEx). Though to be fair, PolyFilter is MUCH more effective.
Think I'll get some LEDs off of PS3Steveo, he said £40 doesn't seem too bad, by the way MBOU since I've got iwagumi, I've got a rock sucking up the downward water force, might need to put it forward but yeah.

Tek oot.
Just reading up, seems I won't be able to get cherry shrimps, any others, like amano that I could have? Or somekind of colourful thing [vert or invert] I can keep with the gouramis?
Tek oot.
Any shrimps really, any of the similar species to cherries/colour variations of cherries or amanos etc
The Taffy Apple said:
3 Gourami in a 23L tank? Is it only me that see's this as totally unfortunate stocking?
Why? They're much smaller than even the dwarf gourami. Honeys get to about 1.5 inches but soarkling gourami don't reach an inch!
Yeah, they don't grow that big, not incredibly active, and they're the only fish that will be in there, so yeah.
An really MBOU? Like 80% of the posts I've read say no to them being together. They say they eat shrimplets and sometimes two or three will team up and attack larger shrimp. Is there a colourful larger shrimp? Preferably red?
Tek oot.
Don't know about bigger red species of shrimp but have you seen the size of big adult cherries?
Just make sure there is plenty of cover and hiding places for the shrimps :)
I have an adult sparkling gourami in the Flora tank with "Pumpkin Shrimp" (orange cherry shrimp effectively..)  and it hasn't eaten any :) It occasionally swims over to have a poke at a shrimp that's stupid enough to sit right at the very very top of the rock out in the open but he gets bored once he realises its just a shrimp..
Hmm, well I'll buy a few once I've got the sparkling gouramis however I would like something which I can keep and it look nice. Shrimps seemed great.
Tek oot.
Does anyone know if 3 Sparkling Gouramis and 6 Mosquito Rasboras would be ok or is that too many?
Tek oot.
Actually, this would be great, do you think Scarlet Badis would fit in? Instead of the Mosquito Rasbora?
3 x Sparkling Gourami
2 x Scarlet Badis
Do you think that sounds ok, they inhabit different parts of the aquarium as far as I'm aware, and neither of them are very big, plus as a bonus the Scarlet Badis is bright red like I wanted :good:
Tek oot.
Wow what a beautiful fish! Have never heard of nor seen these in a fish store before - good find!! I'm jealous :( can't advise on compatability though.
When however I did ask on here I was told to buy a minimum of five sparklers as they are hard to sex and that should minimise aggression.
Having said that I am now only left with three any rate!
Do you think they would be able to fit?
Tek oot.
I think 3 gourami and 2 badis will fit :) i did find badis definately killed smaller shrimp

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