Fiyero And Elphaba's Spawn Diary

Very nice Andie. Good idea about the planaria, making use of what you have, very resourceful.
They're eyes are so huge compared to their little body! I am officially in love :wub:
Andie they are so adorable! hehe so tiny :) you took some GREAT shots of them too very do you do it!?
The question you might want to ask is how many pictures did I have to take before I got clear ones? :lol: I think for every five tries I got one decent shot, and even then I had to brighten/sharpen some up with Photoshop before you could really pick out the baby . . . I try to keep the area around their tank dimly lit to avoid algae and temp fluctuations, but it makes for really crappy picture taking :*)

I also think that once they move from live to frozen foods they'll start to associate me with good things (rather than the filter and the heater) so getting shots of them close to the glass will be much easier ;) I'm sure it will be the same for you with your fry, too :)

ETA: I think the little guy on the bottom finally gave up :/ That, or he's invented a new game called "let's see how stiff and weightless I can be when Mummy gives me a shot of water from the turkey baster" :X
Thank you; I think so too :lol: :*)

I'm currently cooing over the little guy who modelled for those pics- he has a BELLY! I can see it! And he just pooed- it was a little whisker of a whisker of a whisker of a thing. Like, half a digested planaria. I know that sounds incredibly yucky but when you see something that teeny weeny actually mimicking the functions of the parent who could gobble him down whole, it's just too adorable :wub:

I now have three that are alive, kicking and in it for the long haul. The fourth is the karate-chopper and I don't like to hope for him, but he's so bloody stubborn he just might make it.
Awww, look at the cute little tummies :wub:
Karate-chopper seems to have given up, too :X I'm now left with three vigorous, healthy little guys who I hope will make it to adulthood :)

One little fellow was racing himself around the tank today but he did pause long enough to let me catch a few shots of him while he tried to figure out what the devil I was doing with the camera ;)




So, lady, what's the deal with all the pictures, huh?
Oh my gosh! Who would have ever thought that a little white dot with a tail and two eyes could be sooooo cute! You must be a very proud “mom”. :)
They are just soo adorable. Andie did you use a filter in the spawning tank? I wonder if it's better with one or without one
BrookeLea- I still can't get over how much they've changed already in just a week and a half. I love to watch them grow; they're seriously what's keeping me sane through the term :*)

Silvani- I know what you mean. I call them the cutest tadpoles I've ever seen :lol:

redbetta- I do have a filter in the tank but the water isn't high enough to turn it on yet. I've changed the water twice already, though, plus added a gallon of fresh, so this far I haven't needed the filter anyway. Once the water covers it I'll definitely be turning it on, though.
Their two week milestone passed yesterday without much fanfare because I was scrambling to get schoolwork done, but today they got two fresh gallons of water to make up for it :lol: Now the water is deep enough that their filter is almost covered and ready to use; a nasty shock for them it will be, too, that current :*)

Their tummies are all beautifully defined, now, and I just love ogling their li'l digestive systems :wub: I cannot, just cannot get over how perfect they are. I can come in from a massive marathon session of classes and all I have to do is plunk down in front of them and I feel all warm and fuzzy.

As soon as they stop sulking about the water addition and come out from behind the filter, I'll post more pics ;)
What a CUTIE! They're all growing up.... do you have just the 3 in a 10g? Spoiled little guys :p

Are you using a sponge filter? I'm not sure if you meant power or sponge filter.

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