Fiyero And Elphaba's Spawn Diary

Yes the triplets are patrolling a ten gallon :p It's really only a five gallon right now, though, because it's just half full, but it looks plenty big with the three of them so lost in it :lol:

Already they seem to have their little areas staked out; one prefers the thermometer, one the filter and the other likes the heater. They visit each other, but it's so funny that you can actually tell they have their favourite spots. And two of them pal around with each other more than they do with the other one . . . the third guy is a little greyer than the other two, so I can tell him apart, and he's a bit of a loner. They're growing up so fast :wub:

To answer your question, I meant a sponge filter; it just got turned on today, actually, and you should see the evil looks I'm getting from the filter tenant :sly:
Thanks to BrookeLea, I remembered I hadn't posted an update in a while! The babies will be four weeks old on Halloween, and they're doing splendidly. They're now inhabiting a nearly-full ten gallon, and I think all the space has gone to their heads- I actually saw the two smaller ones posturing at each other below the heater tonight! A spat over food, most likely, since the planaria farm I had going is slowing down production.

I crushed up a pellet today and sprinkled the dust over the top of the water, just to see if I could get them interested. One baby didn't seem to notice it but the other two actually saw the grains being buffeted by the filter bubbles, so they headed up and started snacking! I was so proud of them, but they didn't seem too impressed with my choice of fare; they're back to hunting planaria again.

In terms of growth, there's one guy who is noticeably ahead of the other two in development, and he seems to be the most laid back- of course, nobody wants to bother him, so I guess it's to be expected that he hasn't got anything to worry about! And yes, the saddest part of this is that I can actually tell all three of them apart now :/ I have that little life beyond my dorm room! :p I can't tell what they are in terms of gender yet, though, so I just call them Big Guy, Little Guy and Darker Guy for now.

I did manage to get one pic of Little Guy tonight but now that I can tell them apart my goal is to get a pic of each of them to post. Of course, Big Guy has taken command of the filter and has gone behind it to flush out any rogue planaria, and Darker Guy is, as usual, hiding behind the heater, so this may be a bit of a wait, but I really do want you to see how far they've come.
Not the best pics, but pics all the same. The terrible trio themselves!

Big Guy, giving me a cute little curl (I had to zoom quite a bit to get it, so it's a little grainy, but you can make out most of the detail)

Little Guy. Checking out some tank sludge, doubtless hoping to find some planaria.

Dark Guy, chuckling to himself as he slips in under the heater Big Guy has vacated.
:thumbs: Beautiful kiddos, Andie! Their caudals are really noticable now! Mine have a little caudal forming at the end of their tails, they're exactly one week younger than your babies :wub:... yay, now I'll know what to expect in a week!! Hopefully mine will refrain from duking it out, though.

I had to LOL when you said you can tell them apart, that's so sweet!... it's probably not too hard with 3 babies, I don't think I'm gonna try it with 300 ^.~! I can't wait to see what your 3 little babies will look like in a few weeks. It's crazy to think that in a little over a month our wittle babies will be practically adults. They grow up way too fast!! *sigh*
I know- I can't wait for each week to come, because they always have something new to surprise me with. I can't imagine what it's like trying to keep up with 300- my three give me headaches enough!

As to differentiating, nobody in their right mind would expect you to tell your chaotic little cluster of lovelies apart :lol: As it is, I feel like the mother of identical twins or something :p I mean, I know that if anybody else looked at the three of them side by side they would see no difference, except perhaps a shade of size diff with the Big Guy. But the thing is, his anal and dorsal fins have already started to come in, and he's the most 'fish shaped' of the three, so really, he is quite the big boy now :wub: And of course to me the infestimal spot on the side of Dark Guy's head makes him immediately identifiable to my deluded eyes, and Little Guy is just the pale, little, odd man out :lol: He also seems to compensate with attitude; he was the one taking a dart at Dark Guy earlier today :sly:

I really do spend too much time staring into my tank :no: :rolleyes: :p
I hovered around the tank with my camera today, hoping to get some good pics, since their fifth week birthday is Monday. Unfortunately Big Guy liked his new plant a little too much to oblige me, but I managed to get a pretty good pic each of the other two, so I'm kind glad to give them a chance to show off without him :p


Surprisingly clear shot of Little Guy, looking at himself and wondering if he'll ever get as big as his big brother.


Dark Guy chilling (warming?) by the heater; priceless little fishy yawn :wub:

(yes, the heater is looking kind of gross . . . may have to wipe it off soon, but that's always where they go to hide when I suction the tanks, which is why I haven't gotten around to it yet)
Dang there small. I thought by now they'd be at least like 1/2 an inch long and getting alittle color by now. :look:
Whyever would you think they're not? :) My smallest baby (Dark Guy) is approximately one centimetre long; two fifths of an inch :) I would estimate that Little Guy and Big Guy are now both about a centimetre and a half, but Big Guy is much more 'filled in'- thicker body, beautiful little anal fin, and a lovely snip of a dorsal as well. As to colour, personally I think that pale brown shade seems just about right for three copper babies, but that might just be my imagination.

I did post a topic a couple days ago where I asked about the difference in size between my babies, but that had to do with comparative growth rates, not individual size at a certain age. Personally, I wouldn't try to predict the growth rates of somebody else's spawn anyway; so much to do with growth is genetic as well as environmental, and unless you happen to know how large the parents were, it really isn't worth trying to figure out the babies' individual growth unless they're your own :)
They are adorable Andie :)
Mine don't look quite like that yet LOL. Mine are basically transparent with 2 eyes and 2 black stripes going toward their tails from their eyes. Except for one, hopefully they are alright lol.
Good luck with them, woohoooo for 5 weeks! Mine are 5 days LOL. I'm so pumped for tuesday. Newww fishies!
Well I jarred the babies yesterday and Dark Guy started doing a little bobbing and pitching last night, a la swim bladder problems. I looked in this morning and he was quite gone :no:

Big Guy and Little Guy are in a Tupperware container together at the moment, but once I've scrubbed out Dark Guy's jar it will go to Little Guy. I think Big Guy may be getting more than his share of the food, so this will give Little Guy the chance to really blossom :p

I also went out tonight and bought two nice new big, 62 oz containers that will ultimately be used to house these two guys when they're at their juvie stage, but will in the interim be home to my two new copper boys, due to arrive tomorrow night ;) Hopefully one of them will be a better papa than poor Fiyero was :sad:

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