Fiyero And Elphaba's Spawn Diary

After doing pretty much nothing but run back and forth between the tank and my homework, I've found three eggs that are definitely 'babies'; perfectly-formed itty bitty betta fry are curled up inside the sacks. I can even make out a couple dark points on the one closest tot he glass that I assume must be eyespots, or something . . . I do hope a couple others might hatch out too but as it is, three is pretty darn good! They're just miniscule perfection; I'm sooo thrilled :*)

ETA: I found a fourth! So close to the front I almost missed him/her . . . it's smaller and lighter than the other three right now, but the eyespots and tail are still quite visible. I'm almost at my goal of five, so far! Now if only I can get them all to adulthood I'll just be flying :lol:

Edited yet again: magic number five! It was comouflaged between other eggs without the visible details yet, and facing me, so I could only see the eyespots until I angled my head to find the tail. So teeny :wub:
They're born! Six little brand new babies, and two more eggs that look promising, as far as I can see. The first was hatched at approximately quarter after one this morning, and I hope that by one this afternoon the rest will be out too.

They're so incredibly perfect; little black eyespots and teeny, pointy whisks of tails. Mostly they're just settled onto the bottom of the tank, practicing backflips (Mummy's influence, no doubt!) but the first two hatched were especially determined to reach the surface, and one of them actually did make it all the way to the top. He floated there for about a minute before he moved again and sank back down . . .

I've been trying to take pictures for a while now but my camera doesn't seem equal to the task of capturing them. Maybe this afternoon when the light is better I'll be able to get one or two decent shots.'

ETA: Make that three promising eggs, and seven new beebees! One of them wasn't on the floor when I looked in, he was actually bobbing along the surface; the other egg is almost directly below him. So I have potential for ten, and if even half of those survive I'll be terribly pleased :p
Li'l guys won't stay still! :sly: I look in about every ten/fifteen minutes, and they're never in the same spot twice! I swear they only wait for me to turn my back and just go zipping around like mad :lol:

ETA: We have another hatchling; eight babies!
I have one VERY serious question for you Andie......

WHERE ARE THE BABY PICS>????????????? :lol: You know we wanna seeeeeeeee..come'onnn!!!!! lol ;)
I'm working on it, I promise I am :p Every time one of the li'l guys nips up to the surface I nearly break my neck to get to the camera, but their bellies are still too heavy to let them stay up for more than a second or two, so just as I get it all focused, down they plop! (well, not so much plop as lazily corkscrew downward; they look like dizzy little drunks right now! It's impossibly adorable)

I really hope that by tomorrow they'll be able to stay up long enough for me to get a really good shot of at least one of them (if you want, thoguh, I have some nice pics of the tank rim and a few indistinct blurs to tide you over until then! :lol:)
Congratulations! This is SO exciting, and they're not even my fish! haha I'm glad you've got some hatchlings! They sound sooooo cute!
Oh, trust me, they're adorable ;)

Better yet, actually- see for yourselves! I was doing my usual, paranoid every-ten-minutes-I-gotta-check-on-them thing, and I noticed one little fella had adhered himself to the front of the tank. He seemed willing to stay there for a while, and he looked so darn photogenic that I spent a good fifteen minutes capturing him from every angle possible. As a result, I actually got two pretty decent shots!

(keep in mind that I have yet to find anybody over the age of thirteen with hands smaller than mine, and you'll have an even better idea how impossibly tiny these guys are)


AWW arent they just the cutest things...congrats! Hope they work out...seems like everythings going fine as of now! Good luck!~
I thought for some reason that the babies had to stay in the nest until they grew up a bit? :dunno: Or maybe thats just for if their is if their are other fish in the tank. We good luck. :)

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