Fiyero And Elphaba's Spawn Diary


Fish Addict
Jun 15, 2005
Reaction score
NB/NS/PEI (depends on time of year)
Well I have quite the eager little fellow on my hands! Because of Galinda's columnaris I moved Fiyero into his spawning tank ahead of time, just to give him a place to stay while Galinda's being medicated in his. He seemed reasonably happy with it, colouring up and exploring and all, but I think as nice as his new territory is, it was the location that he really loved; Elphie and the other girls are in their jars right beside the tank :lol:

As soon as he saw Elphie, I'd swear he recognized her from when I set them together the night before last. He got so excited that he spent all of last night zipping around the tank, only stopping every now and then to flare for her, and today I came back to find he'd begun a pretty darn impressive bubblenest (albeit in the one corner with absolutely nothing to support it; rebel without a cause, that's my Fiyero :rolleyes:)

The nest isn't one of his best, kind of thin right now, but I have faith that by the time Elphie finally is introduced into the tank (Friday at the earliest, possibly later, although with the spawning bars she's sporting and the amazing way her tail is healing up, I can't see it being much later than next week) he'll have it all puffed up and ready for her.

I also read about starting an infusoria culture using just a jar of water and a lettuce leaf, so I figured I'd go ahead with that now . . . I'm trying to be all levelheaded and organised about this but I can't help it; coming home to see that nest just lit me up like a Christmas tree! :lol: A very nice cheer-up, really, when so many other things seem to have been going wrong.

ETA: I'll post pics of the tank and the happy Papa-to-be as soon as I get my new OS installed on my comp and can upload things again :p
:S :S :S :S :S

You may not know this but the recent increase in betta spawnings is all my doing. I am continuously looking for new sources of bettas and I thought that introducing subliminal messages in several of my posts (give me bettas) (make them mate for me) would increase the chances of more spawns. You can't see the messages, but it is working. Already we have several new spawn threads. I will continue my subliminal work, of course with the approval of the moderators, who also seem to be responding to my subliminal suggestions.

This is all going according my master plan for betta acquisition. Thank you, Andie, for your cooperation.

:S :S :S :S :S
lljdma, I knew I heard voices!!! Damn you woman! I keep saying to hubby...I'd really love to spawn Baxter with Lexie, they'd make such pretty babies...
lljdma06 said:
I thought that introducing subliminal messages in several of my posts (give me bettas) (make them mate for me) would increase the chances of more spawns.  You can't see the messages, but it is working. 

lol you're terribly clever, aren't you? :p Especially since you joined the boards after I decided to purchase Fiyero to spawn him :lol: Your deviousness knows no bounds :sly:

Seriously, though, when I saw his breeder's first two coppers for sale (I put in an order but they died in a cleaning accident :-() I knew that was the line I wanted to work with. They're chiefly copper gold, but there's an amazing hint of rosey colour in their dorsals/caudals that's not quite iridescence and not quite an underlying colour, but somewhere in between. It's only when the light is shining through (rather than onto) their fins that you can see it, and it makes them look like emerald fire. I just couldn't let that pass me by :*)
Oh, believe me, I am :lol: It's all I can do not to doodle Fiyero/Elphie babies in the margins of my notes during class :*)

I released Elphie into the breeding trap this evening after giving her approx. two hours to acclimatize herself. She's barred up with a vengeance and Fiyero has applied himself wholeheartedly to his nest; I expect to try for a spawn beginning Friday afternoon.

These pics hardly do them justice, but they at least give a rough idea of what to expect in terms of babies, so they'll have to do until I can get new ones posted, hopefully tomorrow night.

Fiyero, admiring himself (and with good cause, too, I think!)

His Aquabid picture; photo credit goes to Cathy Ashcroft of Northwest BCBetta

A bad shot of him but an excellent shot of his (somewhat raggedy) tail; he just glows :wub:

Elphaba, not liking this camera thing

One hundred and ten percent attitude

Puffing up for Galinda next door

And, finally, their father. Photo credit again goes to Cathy Ashcroft. I expect approximately 25 percent PK babies, and if even a few of them look like him I don't think I'll mind that much at all :p

I'm just on pins and needles!
Fiyero can't seem to make up his mind! This morning I woke up and peeked in to find his nest dissipated almost entirely. This makes the third time he has destroyed his nest, and this is the one that was actually looking really good! He rips them apart and then starts them over again in the exact same spot, although at the moment he has yet to begin the rebuilding stage. He's showing off for Elphie right now . . . no work and all play, silly boy :rolleyes:

As for Elphie, she's doing much better than I'd hoped. Her tail is all but healing before my eyes; the smaller holes have closed in, and the one split in the tissue between the branches of her tail is much smaller than it was (Nessarose is healing at a similar rate, but she was more damaged so she'll take more time). I'll keep an eye on Elphie for today, and with any luck she'll be on the path to motherhood tomorrow afternoon :)

ETA: I just looked over to see Fiyero is now hard at work on the new nest; most likely Elphie told him to get his act together so she could get her butt out of the breeding net :lol:
Beautiful bettas!! Can't wait for the outcome. I have a copper female, I was thinking of breeding. Maybe, just maybe if you get a good outcome with some that look like the pappa, I'll take one. And maybe there will be babies on the way! :hey:
Elphie was released into the spawn tank shortly after I got back from class this morning. No nest yet; Fiyero spent about ten minutes chasing her around, then seemed to realise there was nothing to chase her away FROM, and is now contenting himself with the odd little rush at her, in between blowing "test bubbles" at the top of the tank. She's barred up beautifully but doesn't seem to know what to do with herself, so she's meandering around and making sure not to get too close to him. I'm beginning to worry they may have gotten too used to each other, but I suppose only time will tell for sure.

Computer is now fixed, so I'm uploading pics right now to post! Not that they're anything too exciting just yet.
Hey Andie could I have one of the newborns when and if it happens like a male or any tail type....PLEASE :hey: :)
"I expect approximately 25 percent PK babies, and if even a few of them look like him I don't think I'll mind that much at all"

Oooooooh did somebody say copper plakats? :hey: haha
BrookeLea- lol yes, I did. That's just the genetic side of it, though; if by some fluke the babies I lose happen to be the PKs then obv I'll have a smaller percentage ;)

Durbkat; I really can't make any adoption-related promises right now because I'm not sure I'll get more than a handful of fry the first time around, and some of the girls here in the dorms are already on a waiting list. After them I have a few relatives/friends interested, but after that I'll be sure to keep you in mind :)

As to the progress of the honeymoon, he's started to try, at least! Another attempt at a bubblenest, as Elphaba waits patiently in the corner (really I wouldn't have thought it of her. She's almost docile right now). Hopefully by tomorrow morning it will be big enough to hold some eggs, but in the meantime here are a couple pics I took leading up to this.

The tank before the introduction of the honeymooners (prior to her release in it, I added two more plants for coverage, but since I stole those ones from the other boys I wanted to wait as long as I could to add them)

Fiyero dancing around Elphie's jar, trying to convince her of what a catch he is :rolleyes:

Elphie in her breeding trap, watching with polite interest as Fiyero (behind the thermometer) begins his third (and recently departed) bubblenest.

Fiyero was frantic when he discovered she could actually swim around. He had her cornered a minute after I shot this, but she did the most priceless backflip right out of the water and landed behind him.

Even then he'd probably have chased her, except he caught sight of himself in the glass and just had to admire his reflection . . .

I hope to have some better quality shots by tomorrow; also, with any luck, some eggs!

ETA: I just lifted the corner of the towel covering the tank to have a quick peek, and gack, this nest is a winner! :hyper: He's focusing on a wider area now more than a thicker depth, so hopefully this will be the success :thumbs:
hey I know this sounds stupid but what's the plastic canvas there for? for him to make a nest ?
That's not a stupid question at all and that's a smart guess :lol: Yup, I didn't have anything else handy to cut up, so I just fiddled with a couple pieces of canvas left over from cutting the tank dividers. He didn't like the cup-shaped one (though Elphie hid in it a few times today) but right now he's got an amazing nest going in the base of the piece that's floating horizontally on the top of the water, so I'm really glad I used it. :)

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