Hi there, sorry for my first post being in this section, but it's kind of urgent due to my new tank having no lights and my old one due to go next week. I've been a long time browser, but only just registered..
Basically, I have the Rio 125 and as usual (Going by all the complaints) the ballast has gone. It would flick on for a split second, then nothing. I've cut into the bottom as it shows in the first post and removed the ballast. Seems it has all got a bit wet in there, so I'll make sure it's nicely covered with silicone when it goes back
The problem I now have, is when looking for a new one to replace it! My wiring inside the unit has only 3 (other than the live/neutral) which I'm guessing there's joins somewhere along the lines. All the ones I have seen have been 6 pin connections. So I'm lost there already. I also can't find a reasonably priced 2x18w, though I have found http

/cgi.ebay.co.uk/New-Electronic-Fluorescent-T8-PLL-Ballast-Just-6-00_W0QQitemZ310186266032QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUK_BOI_Lights_Lighting_ET?hash=item48388acdb0 on Ebay which says it will do 2x18w.
Would this be suitable and does anyone know how I would go about wiring it up? Seeing as they are linked, would I just be able to buy a 1 x 36w ballast as they seem more readily available?
Many thanks!