Fixing Juwel Light Bar.

Thanks for that, I'm in Ireland so mm is good for me!
So the Vision 180 I have has 25w T8 tubes so I'm looking for a ballast to work with those.
I had a look at the light unit just there, how much of the plastic will I need to cut open? What size roughly are the ballast units? I'm not sure how the pictures posted compare in scale with the Vision 180 which is 750mm long.
Thanks again

**** This only applies to those folks whose florescent tube sockets have one wire per socket ****

I've just had a look at the Sylvania Ballast Technology Applications and Specification Guide.

View attachment 68567

Ignore any numbers or wiring colours in the schematics.
These schematics are for four variations of ballasts...
i.e. ballasts that support 1, 2, 3 and 4 tubes respectively.

For anyone who is looking for a cold cathode ballast (1 wire per tube socket).

Instead of looking through long lists (although I will if required) I suggest that you print out the above image and take it to your nearest electrical wholesalers (or email it).

Tell them that you that you want a ballast of this type. The exact technology isn't important as long as it is electronic.

You will need to specify the following:

The number of tubes.
The tube power rating (in watts).
The tube size (T5, T8).

Now you don't **need** to buy a Sylvania ballast. Any manufacturer of will do.

I say this because the ballast is normally required urgently (our fish and plants are IMPORTANT!)

Try and get a ballast matched to your tube power rating.
e.g If you have 2 x 25W tubes, then try and get a ballast rated at 2 x 25W.
If (in this example) you can only get 2 x 30W or 2 x 35W easily then do so, but be aware that your tubes **might** be overdriven slightly (this reduces the tube life slightly).

I hope that this helps.

Hello again,

I forgot to say...

You'll need to check the maximum dimensions that your replacement ballast can have.

i.e. It might have to fit inside a specific size housing/light assembly

Right so finally got around to getting my ballast out today (1st pic). I couldn't get the wires to disconnect from the ballast so I had to snip them in the end, my connectors look slightly different to the ones shown previously.(2nd pic) Also, I had numbered the three wires connecting into the RHS of the ballast but the markers fell off, I know which one connects to the middle terminal but the other two could have got mixed up, will it matter if I connect them incorrectly? (3rd pic)



Have you got a replacement ballast?

If you have, is the circuit schematic / connection numbers the same as on the old one?
If you are unsure then just post a picture and I'll confirm it for you if you wish.

If you are happy that the schematics are the same / equivalent then:

Yes, the wires that go to connections 1 and 5 can be swapped.. The No.2 "commoned" connection must be the correct wire.

If you have managed to get them mixed up then just ask... and I'll talk you through working out how to identify which wire is which.

Well I've the replacement ballast ordered but I'm 99% certain it's the exact same one.
I have the wire that connects to No.2 taped off separately so should be fine, it was just the wires for no.s 1 and 5 that I got mixed up.
Any tips for how to get the old wires out of the connectors? It doesn't really matter but I guess it will make wiring up the new one easier.
Many thanks for your help, I'll post up when I get it working!

See the following datasheet extract.

View attachment 68589

and this from Vossloh Schwabe general documentation:

View attachment 68590

Looking at the picture of the terminals it looks like there is some sort of "push in" / screw in plug (the square section with the diagonal groove)... Have a look at the unused connection at the mains wiring end.. This might give a hint... I'll be interested in exactly what it is...


Found it!!

To remove the wires, push down on the slotted cap.

It's a spring loaded connector.

Managed to get it too, turns out just one of them was very stiff!
My ballast came today but despite being the exact same part number the connectors are different. I'm fine for the blue and brown wires but where should I connect the others? Pic attached (compare with old ballast above).]
Will I need to solder in the connections to the new ballast, there isn't the click in place connectors that my old ballast has.
Which is the old and new if the new one is the bottom one they screw in I'm waiting on mine hope to have it tonight
Top one is the new one, I can fit the fires in easily but I don't know how to get them to remain in place. Think I'm happy enough for which wire goes where based on the two diagrams.

The ballasts have a similar connection diagram but the pinouts and the actual connectors are different.

See below.


If yours are different then get back to me and I'll look further.

I don't know what has happened to the pictures in my earlier posts... they have all disappeared!


Just to confirm...

Old Ballast--- New Ballast
1 -------------- 2
2 -------------- 3
5 -------------- 6

Old ballast connection 2/new ballast connection 3 is the wire that is common to both tubes. This one must be correct.

New ballast connections 2 and 6 (old ballast 1 and 5) can be swapped.

Well, if I push the wires in really hard they seem to be staying in place, connected it all up and turned it on great - light worked! Was downstairs with the light on for about 90min and no problems. Came down about an hour later and the light had gone off again. If I switch it off and leave it for a while it will turn on again but only for about 10 seconds - more or less the symptoms I had to begin with 

What else could it be? Am I right that if either bulb isn't working then the light shouldn't come on at all?

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