Fishy Question


New Member
Feb 19, 2007
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My fish like to swim up and down the side of the tank with their nose touching it. What are they doing? They do it a lot. Silly question I know, but just curious.
Its only 4 little fish in a 10 gallon though. Isnt that big enough?

Oh and What are the advantages for a sucker fish? And what do they eat?
lol they're probally looking at themsleves, And it depends are what type of "sucker" fish your refering too if you mean Plecostomus (sp?) then they do like eating algae off you tank walls and rocks, but they absolutly love zuccini Well mine does.

and just wondering what kind of fish do you have right now is that the tank in your avatar wiht the guppies?
yes thats my tank, It has plants in it now. Um I have 2 guppies and 2 mollies and a frog.

What does it mean when fish dart at eachother, is that fighting?
It can be a form of fighting, some call it nipping it happens in most new tanks, the fish are trying to gain dominance between eachother, its natures way i do believe. Which fish are doing the nipping and just wondering what sort of plants did you add?
The guppies were sorta following/ sniffing one of the mollies, and now the molly is like getting back at them like if they get to close it darts at it. lol. But luckly they have a little hide out were the frog likes to go. I just have a couple tall plastic plants. I want to get real ones, but Im not sure im ready for those.
Ahh i see if you dont notice any nips taken out of the fins you'll probally be ok my molly does a similar thing to my Angel fish. we call him snoopy now. he's always following someone. And surprisily the live plants thing isnt hard. you can make it hard for yourself, by buying co2 injection and tons of lighting or you can make due with the lighting you have and allow the fish to produce the co2. So all you really have to do is find a species of plant that can flourish in the amount of light your tank has. My 15gal tanks is fully planted with only 15w of light. I was told by too many people id need more but ive seen amazing tanks with less than .6watts/gal and no co2 injection.
oh, i didnt know what fish you had haha. your tank is fine, but i doubt your fish are looking at themselves because you can see through glass :lol: i think its because in nature, they usually dont have a big wall blocking them so they are trying to find a way out

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