fishy lineup, can you ID them?


Mar 9, 2004
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Walsall, UK
See these tetras? what are they then? they are examples of two types in my tank and I'd like to identify them.


left one has a kind of fake eye in his tail and red eyes (red eyed tetra?)
right one has yellow and black in its fins and a red tinge to his tail fin.
the bottom right one looks like a pristilla? i dont know if i spelled it right but it looks like my pristilla, but i could be wrong. the top one im not really sure on
Yes, the one on the right is a Pristella tetra, sometimes called an X-ray tetra.

Not sure about the one on the left.
The one on the left is probably a Red-Eye Tetra (the camera flash makes it hard to tell for certain). The tailfin marking looks right. Red-Eyes have large, silver scales and transparent fins. If it's scales are easily visible, it's a Red-Eye. Red-Eyes are also sometimes called Lamp-Eye Tetras, though IME Red-Eye is more common.

There are a couple other tetras with the red ring around the eye, but it is less pronounced and their bodies are semi-transparent. The Red-Eye's is not.

...and yes, the one on the right is definitely a Pristella.

The one on the left looks like a small female buenos aires tetra. As previously mentioned, the flash makes it difficult to determine the species. I'll be posting some pictures of my buenos aires in a couple of days.
The one on the left looks like a small female buenos aires tetra.

Could be, but I don't think so. Buenos Aires Tetras have much less pronounced red (if any) around the eye, the black marking at the tailfin is elongated and extends to the end of the tail, and their fins have a definitive reddish color.

pendragon said:
The one on the left looks like a small female buenos aires tetra.

Could be, but I don't think so. Buenos Aires Tetras have much less pronounced red (if any) around the eye, the black marking at the tailfin is elongated and extends to the end of the tail, and their fins have a definitive reddish color.

True, but I will have to say that some of my buenos aires females are lacking in red color, and although the black stripe goes all the way down the tail it is much more pronounced at the base, in some occasions looking like a dot. I would deffinately agree with the eye though. I just wasn't sure if that was a by-product of the flash or not.

Some of my Buenos Aires
superb peeps, I thought a picture may help :D

Interesting, I suspected the one on the left was a red eyed tetra as well they seem to be the only ones in the indexes with red eyes. The thing is tho I've never seen the prestilla tetra in any of the indexes I've looked in..... they are not rare are they? because for the good of the species I should not be looking after them :rofl: No seriously I've not lost any yet.

Thanks for the help again, I'll be modifying my sig now.
I'm with is a head-and-tail light tetra (Hemmigrammus ocellifer).
Lamp-eyes and lemon tetras also have red eyes, and I think it's the lemon that's commonly known as the red-eye. :unsure:
It's possible it's a Head & Taillight Tetra, but I don't think so from the pic - again, it is difficult to tell. As mentioned before, Head & Taillights have a transluscent body, Red-Eyes do not. If the fish looks "solid" with easily visible silver scales, it is likely a Red-Eye; if it is semi-see-through then it is some thing else. Also Head & Taillights have a very distinctive "light" in the tail section. It would be clearly visible in person. Stryker should easily be able to tell which it is.

pendragon, thats it you got it! the third pic down on that page you posted, thats the one.

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