I am betting that you are probably the sweetest guy I know....NO!!! You are the sweetest "person" ANYONE could know .....just ask my fish! They LOVE you!
That is an awsome fish room. If you have the time and incentive, I will tell you what I was going to do with my Python since I have to run it from the bathroom....
If you have a washer/dryer room with a sink, setup seperate output that has a side inlet to the sink and attach your python. The seperate outlet for hot/cold if you go cheap and know a little plumbing can be done for less than $20.00.
Then run the hose under the house or around somewhere out of the way out to your fish room.
Connect your python to that hose. The python has an on/off but you would probably want to install a secondary valve at the end of the hose coming in.
As for your birds, if they don't like you much why don't you find someone they do like?
Looks like you can handle a fry or 200. I have changed my room around several times. There is always something else that could be done. Wait till it is full of juvies you have raised. Wow
thats what happens when you have 2 or more parakeets...
i just got a second one. i adopted her from work. (she was unsellable since she had a foot injury and the vet had to cut her toe off)
my first one was so lonely that she would spend all day gawking at and playing with her mirror.
Hijacker!!! Thats why I love this forum, we don't care You're birds are beautiful Jac I was going to just get one for that reason, but I'm a sucker Interesting how a betta person can't stand to see animals without a friend