Fishless Cycle

Hello all,

My water parameters:

3rd(2130hrs)12hr test
ammonia 0ppm
nitrite 2ppm
nitrate n/a
Low pH 7.6

4th(0930hrs)24hr test
ammonia no test
nitrite no test
nitrate no test
low pH 7.6
H/H ammonia + 8.84ml(4ppm)

*will test nitrites on the 12hr mark, My mini filter clean the other day seems to have had no diverse effect on the cycles progress*

Ok now I am confused! I read a really good article on 'add and wait' version of fishless cycle and it said to add ammonia when it dropped to 0ppm. It didn't mention only adding at the 24hour mark-is that that the 'add daily' version? What I am doing is adding as the ppm drops to 0 and waiting 'til it drops to 0 and re-adding. If I wait til the 24 hour point how will I know when the ppm drops to 0 in 12 hours? (My 215l tank is processing ammonia from 4-0ppm in 24 hours ATM, so I need to make sure I don't muck up the next bit!!!!) :fun: :rolleyes:
Carole x
Yippee! I'm on the move! 4ppm to 0 in 12 hours yesterday-only to 0.5 today, but at least it's in the right direction!
Carole x
5th Dec
Ammonia: no test
Nitrite: no test
nitrate: no test
pH: 7.6
Sodium bicarb+: 1tsp
H/H ammonia+: 8.84ml(4ppm)
Ammonia: no test
Nitrite: 2ppm
Nitrate: no test
pH: 7.8
Sodium bicarb+: 1tsp
6th Dec
Ammonia: no test
Nitrite: no test
nitrate: no test
pH: 8.0-8.2
Sodium bicarb+: 0
H/H ammonia+: 8.84ml(4ppm)
Ammonia: no test
Nitrite: 2ppm
Nitrate: no test
pH: 8.0-8.2
Sodium bicarb+: 0
One of our members tried a very tiny dose at 12 hours but the main dose still at 24 hours. It was only a single experiment but it might be interesting to try. All of these things are just little tweeks and don't do much change to the fundamental fact of providing a body of fresh dechlorinated tap water with ammonia and getting growth of the most common freshwater bacteria in the world!


Have not been posting lately just in case i jinks it, but for the past three days have been seeing the infamous double zero's. I have been lowering temp by 1 degree per day as not to put the A&N Bacs into a state of shock.
This is my stocking plan:
6x oddessa barbs
6x black ruby barbs
6x chequered barbs
6x cherry barbs
6x green tiger barbs
2x bristlenose

If i have enough space i would not mind a single blue acara, suggestions welcome please.

Keith S.
whoowhoo congrats! I am getting zeros at 24 hours, but trace nitrites at the 12hrs, so not far to go now!
Carole x
whoowhoo congrats! I am getting zeros at 24 hours, but trace nitrites at the 12hrs, so not far to go now!
Carole x
I very nearly gave up. I'm sure it won't be long for you, fingers crossed Carole.

Keith x
I fought it would only be right to Thank all you members who have supported and helped me with my fishless cycle.

Thanks very much and have a great Xmas/New year.

Nice keith

Double zeros at 12 but only dosing at 24 still, right?

Most reactions
