Fishless Cycle!

You also could save any un-used portions in the container pkg in the refrig for up to 6 months.
OK that is the only link i can find about it being shut down, I dont see anything on the marineland website stating there is a shortage of bio spira and it looks like it can be stored for 6 months, it is possible there is a refridgerated storage of the stuff. I will ask my LFS if he can still order it. Oh well first I heard of it. you would think the company like most do would issue a statement.
Source Of Bacteria

From flower pot. Take soil handful, put it to pail, rinse it with water and pour that water to your tank.

If you take bacteria for a seed from another tank, then you should know, that if there is any diseases in that tank, you'll transmit it to your tank too.
I did send them an e-mail and its been about 8 hours so i think it will be a little longer till i get a reply, I hope I get a reply on monday so I can post it for you.

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