Fishless Cycle Success! (i Think) - Hardiness Q


New Member
Jan 25, 2009
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Well I think I am finally nearing the end of my fishless cycle (in progress since Jan 4th), today my Nitrites went down to zero, now I just have to wait until the whole works goes back to zero within 12 hours and then I think I'm all set!

I have a few more questions now that are quite confusing.

I've read that pH doesn't matter much because your fish can adjust to different pH than its ideal. However should I be concerned about hardiness? My GH and KH readings are off the chart...what can I do about it? Does it matter?

I have a small tank, 10gal and want to find fish that can live well in my conditions. Do any fish like this kind of environment?

Thanks for the help.
you should post the readings you got for the GH and KH and are you using a dip stick/strip or a liquid test kit?

and about your cycle being done, once it drops both ammonia and nitrite to 0 in less than 12 hrs, continue to dose at the same ammonia dosing for about 1 week, this will ensure that your bacteria colony is well established

id love to elaborate more but its 2am here so im falling asleep, i'll be back later to elaborate more if someone else hasnt done so already lol

ps: i wish my cycle was as fast as yours
yup what exactly are your results for pH, GK and KH?

Most community trops are fairly adaptable however it's worth giving a bit of consideration too before you just buy some fish. be a shame to have all your hatrd work down the drain by choosing the wrong fish.
I'm using API liquid test kits.

KH and GH are off the charts high so I can't give an exact reading, pH is 7.8, but I am still adding ammonia so I'm not sure if that changes things.

Okay... I just did another reading....

GH - 180
KH - 180
PH - between 7.0 and 7.5
A GH and KH of 180 ppm is not very hard. In the numbers I am used to it is about 10 degrees. All but the most strict soft water type fish will do fine at that hardness. It is not water I would use for wild South American fish but most domesticated fish will be fine. The 7.8 pH is a bit on the high side for some fish but your water would be ideal for the common livebearers and will work OK for many others. My big community tank with rasboras, barbs, an angel, some cories and a number of livebearers has almost exactly that kind of water and everyone in the tank is happily going about their business.

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