Fishless Cycle Progress

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rdd1952 said:
Mollies do prefer a little salt but a lot of people have them in community tanks. I don't think it will be that detrimental to them but you would be better off leaving out either the mollies or the corys and otos. The other fish could handle a little salt but corys and otos can't. I would skip the mollies if it were me. Besides needing the salt, you will end up with lots of fry to contend with.
Now this, I agree with...
And what do you mean by " do you have a citation for that" that was rude. I was just trying to save soom mollies from being killed. I know its true because I've had mollies with perfect water condition and they died with in 3 months and a friend of mine had 2 black mollies that died within 2 months. So all I was trying to do was save some innocent fish from being killed by someone that might not have known to put marine salt in it, not aquarium salt, marine salt.
Durbkat said:
And what do you mean by " do you have a citation for that" that was rude. I was just trying to save soom mollies from being killed. I know its true because I've had mollies with perfect water condition and they died with in 3 months and a friend of mine had 2 black mollies that died within 2 months. So all I was trying to do was save some innocent fish from being killed by someone that might not have known to put marine salt in it, not aquarium salt, marine salt.
Asking someone to back up a claim isn't being rude. Sorry you felt I was being so...

I'm all for saving fish, just look at my posts here. But the odd personal experience does not make for fact. There are people that have successfully kept chinese algae eaters in a community tank, but that doesn't mean they should be advising others to do so.

Sailfin Mollys are a very common community fish and while they do benefit in the long run with some salt in their tank, a lack of salt is not going to kill them in 3 months. If your mollys died in 3 months, it was almost certainly due to some other cause.
I'm sorry I shouldn't have said those rude things guys. I was in a bad mood thats all.
After reading this post I am starting to think that my post in emergencies has a bit to do with this one. When My fish died off from ick I only kept three guppies n the tank that had previously had 9 fish in it. Would that cause my tank to start a new cycle again? My nitrites have gone off the chart after being at 0 for over two months? I have been doing the water changes and yet it is still high. hmm

rdd1952 said:
rowdyates said:
Thanks, good to know things are on track, probably won't go too wild stocking when it's ready, start with either cherry barbs or danios and see how they go then I'll probably add fish weekly till I get to my full compliment.


If you do a full fishless cycle, you will need to add as many fish as possible once it is finished. Your tank will be cycled for a full fish load or very close to it. If you only add half the stock, the extra bacteria will die off meaning that when you do add more fish, you will get the mini cycle just as if you didn't cycle at all to start with. You will only have enough bacteria to support the fish load you have.
Oh no looks like the mollies will be dropped, my daughter (Molly) is not going to be happy, but the bottom line is the fish, I'll have a think about an alternative for her.

My ammonia has just dropped to 0 so I've added 5ml, I'll check the reading again later to see what it is, my nitrites are well high, so everything seems to be coming together....for once.

Thnaks for all the advice so far.



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