Fishless cycle in 2 weeks!!


Fish Fanatic
Mar 24, 2004
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Just tested my ammonia and nitrites. Ammonia is holding a steady 0 as it has for the past 7 days. Nitrite did a nose-dive from the top of the scale down to .25. It looks like we are almost there. Will add my daily ammonia, and re-test again tomorrow to be sure all is well. I actually ran the nitrite test twice tonight as I was in disbelief that the first one was correct. How ironic is it that I had an awesome conversation with the girl at the LPS tonight. The same LPS that I had been turned off by the previous 2 trips, not due to fish health or products, but due to the clueless workers. I keep saying I need to figure out a definite plan for stocking my tank, I guess I better get my butt in gear. And quick.
looking good. should be over any day now.
Don't forget to keep adding the ammonia antil you add your fish even after your nitrite is zero. and a huge water change to get the nitrate down before adding the fish or its pretty hard to get down later.
Well done with your cycle 2 weeks is a good one. did you seed the tank with substate or decoration from a mature tank?

I managed one in 13 days a few months ago. its very rewarding ;) its great to know no fish were harmed in the process
I added a potted plant from the LPS and a handful of gravel from an established tank in a media bag hanging in the tank. Also raised the temp to 84. And by the way today nitrites were at 0. And yes I will continue to add ammonia until I am ready for fish. And will do a 75-90% water change the day before I plan to add fish. And test again the day that I go to get my fish to be sure all is well. I have also lowered my temp to where I will be keeping it with fish.

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