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I'm horrified :eek:

Live dolphins being winched onto a truck:

Makes you ashamed to be human..
I know there nothing that man won't touch.
As for the whaling ships, I just want to grab those harpoons and ram them up those Japanese fishermen's a***s, tbh.
:X :-( :crazy:
I don't agree with it either, it makes me even madder as you can't seem to stop them from doing it.
Our country as bad killing foxes so we can't just look at one country when we have our own slaughters.
Not a fish eater don't care for it much, only like cod, tuna, and samon and thats it.
cod, tuna & salmon are fish :crazy:

If the animal's population is not threatened then why shouldn't we harvest them. We grow cattle, sheep, pigs & chooks for food. Why not eat wild animals that are in abundance? As long as we don't over harvest them. And that is the big problem. Most species are being over-harvested and their numbers are on the decline, fish included.
The other issue is to do with humanely killing the animal. I think the Japanese need to rethink their way of catching whales. If they used an explosive harpoon in the head it would kill the animal instantly and then there wouldn't be such an issue. However, stabbing them with big pieces of metal and then dragging them onboard a boat to be chopped up is a little on the barbaric side.
Likewise fishermen should dispatch fish as soon as they are caught. Unfortunately I see too many people out fishing and they have a bucket of fish flapping about suffocating. If they want to catch and keep the fish for food, they should either keep them in a bucket of well aerated water or kill them as soon as they have them out of the water.
And I think lures should be banned. If you are going to tempt something onto a hook at least give it a real piece of food. That way if the fish gets off and swims away it gets something to eat. When lures are used the fish get nothing for their trouble but holes in the mouth. And most lures have treble hooks so the fish often get two or even three holes in their mouth or body (depending on where they are hooked).
If its fishing for food then I think its ok, but I don't agree with course fishing where the only reason to catch a fish is fun.

As long as the fish is humanely kill as quick as possible then I don't have a problem with it.
I don't know what its like in the United States but here in the UK the wildlife teams are always having to remove hooks and lines from swans, geese etc.
It annoys me how people who fish don't clean up after themselves.

Well I love fishing, my favourite hobby. And you cant help the Swans etc as you throw your bait out and hook out and they wont leave it alone. Annoying Vermin :D
The only time I went fishing was in Gambia where I took the fish back and the local villagers ate it. I didn't mind fishing as i knew the fish were going to good use but what i hated was the slow deaths, I didn't know anything about fishing and didn't think to bring a stick or something to hit them over the head with... watching them slowly suffocation was horrible :( also a lot of them "screamed" and made horrible noises as they died!

I caught a few cichlids but threw them back.
Playing Devils Advocate.... :devil:

For those of you that disagree with fishing..

Do you really beleive that fish belong in a tank in your living room, bedroom etcetc?

Just spicing up the debate.
No fish don't belong in a tank but do dogs belong in houses or horses belong in stables or rabbits in hutches? It's a cruel world we live in.
I don't know what its like in the United States but here in the UK the wildlife teams are always having to remove hooks and lines from swans, geese etc.
It annoys me how people who fish don't clean up after themselves.

Well I love fishing, my favourite hobby. And you cant help the Swans etc as you throw your bait out and hook out and they wont leave it alone. Annoying Vermin :D

:lol: i once hooked a swan by accident when it grabbed my bait, it didn't attempt to fly so i was able to very slowly pull it in to the bank where i sat across its back and was attempting to get the hook from its beak when an old woman came and started attacking me with her stick for trying to murder the swan :lol:

I love fishing, i don't freshwater fish much any more since i gave up the competition angling but i like to get down to the beach to fish whenever there is a good tide on a moonlit night. The picture of that fish with the blood pouring down its side is ridiculous, in 20 years of fishing I've never seen a fish bleed like that from being hooked, practically all freshwater fish are returned alive and no worse off for being caught, fish in commercial sport fisheries might be caught 3 or 4 times a week in the summer and still carry on feeding, and even in sport sea angling the majority of anglers practice catch and release only taking home one or two fish for their dinner.

You'll find that good fishermen do clean up after themselves and don't leave hooks and lines laying about, just as in fish keeping there are good people and bad people who don't give a damn about the environment and its these few bad ones who give us a bad press. I've got a cardboard box full of old line and jars full of old rusting hooks that i wont throw away because it can damage animals at the land fill sites. Anglers are the eyes and ears of the environment agency, fishermen are very tuned into the surroundings and are very often the first to notice pollution or other problems with the water ways and bank sides.
I don't know what its like in the United States but here in the UK the wildlife teams are always having to remove hooks and lines from swans, geese etc.
It annoys me how people who fish don't clean up after themselves.

Well I love fishing, my favourite hobby. And you cant help the Swans etc as you throw your bait out and hook out and they wont leave it alone. Annoying Vermin :D

:lol: i once hooked a swan by accident when it grabbed my bait, it didn't attempt to fly so i was able to very slowly pull it in to the bank where i sat across its back and was attempting to get the hook from its beak when an old woman came and started attacking me with her stick for trying to murder the swan :lol:

I love fishing, i don't freshwater fish much any more since i gave up the competition angling but i like to get down to the beach to fish whenever there is a good tide on a moonlit night. The picture of that fish with the blood pouring down its side is ridiculous, in 20 years of fishing I've never seen a fish bleed like that from being hooked, practically all freshwater fish are returned alive and no worse off for being caught, fish in commercial sport fisheries might be caught 3 or 4 times a week in the summer and still carry on feeding, and even in sport sea angling the majority of anglers practice catch and release only taking home one or two fish for their dinner.

You'll find that good fishermen do clean up after themselves and don't leave hooks and lines laying about, just as in fish keeping there are good people and bad people who don't give a damn about the environment and its these few bad ones who give us a bad press. I've got a cardboard box full of old line and jars full of old rusting hooks that i wont throw away because it can damage animals at the land fill sites. Anglers are the eyes and ears of the environment agency, fishermen are very tuned into the surroundings and are very often the first to notice pollution or other problems with the water ways and bank sides.

Just to add to that, Fishing for Samon, Tuna, Cod is alot more inhumane as they are all capturered and brutally murdered, So tbh you cant really say fishing is bad. All the expamples of what people have given is fishes being killed for food etc. Fishing is just a sport like anyother and amongst the fishing world if you catch a fish and then kill it you are looked down upon as it will ruin that lakes stock if veryone did it. It is also thought that fish dont really feel the pain in there mouths.

Vegetarians aint why the human race survived today, its meat eaters and hunters is why we survived
Well I love fishing, my favourite hobby. And you cant help the Swans etc as you throw your bait out and hook out and they wont leave it alone. Annoying Vermin :D
When I first skimmed over this I thought it said you throw the bait out and hook up a swan. I was gonna say as long as they're legal size you don't have to throw em back.

Playing Devils Advocate.... :devil:
For those of you that disagree with fishing..
Do you really beleive that fish belong in a tank in your living room, bedroom etcetc?
Just spicing up the debate.
sounds more like throwing fuel on the fire to me :)

Yes I believe fish should be in aquariums. If we didn't have captive fishes then there would be a few more extinct species. Ruby barbs are a classic example. Extinct in the wild but plentiful in captivity.
And if fish have been kept in tanks all their lives they don't know any better and settle in fine. I have even taken fish from drying pools of water and brought them back into captivity. If I hadn't they would have been eaten by birds or dried out in the sun as the water evaporated.
Vegetarians aint why the human race survived today, its meat eaters and hunters is why we survived

Very true, but finding the biggest fish you can, letting it suffocate and nailing it to a wall is not why the human race survived.

and tropicalgirl2007 -
Do you really beleive that fish belong in a tank in your living room, bedroom etcetc?

Just spicing up the debate.

If Red Tailed Black Sharks were not kept and bred in fish farms and aquariums in east asia, they would be completely extinct, just to name one.

My Endler's livebearers, if they were in the wild they would be eaten within a year by predators. And personally I think they're having a whale of a time in their own aquarium, breeding and eating like they were born to do.
i dont fish but can see the attraction. i don't eat freshwater fish but do eat sea fish. i keep freshwater fish but would not keep marine critters. i don't agree with them being wild caught. and some of you think you are confused :unsure:
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