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:lol: i once hooked a swan by accident when it grabbed my bait, it didn't attempt to fly so i was able to very slowly pull it in to the bank where i sat across its back and was attempting to get the hook from its beak when an old woman came and started attacking me with her stick for trying to murder the swan :lol:

I love fishing, i don't freshwater fish much any more since i gave up the competition angling but i like to get down to the beach to fish whenever there is a good tide on a moonlit night. The picture of that fish with the blood pouring down its side is ridiculous, in 20 years of fishing I've never seen a fish bleed like that from being hooked, practically all freshwater fish are returned alive and no worse off for being caught, fish in commercial sport fisheries might be caught 3 or 4 times a week in the summer and still carry on feeding, and even in sport sea angling the majority of anglers practice catch and release only taking home one or two fish for their dinner.

You'll find that good fishermen do clean up after themselves and don't leave hooks and lines laying about, just as in fish keeping there are good people and bad people who don't give a damn about the environment and its these few bad ones who give us a bad press. I've got a cardboard box full of old line and jars full of old rusting hooks that i wont throw away because it can damage animals at the land fill sites. Anglers are the eyes and ears of the environment agency, fishermen are very tuned into the surroundings and are very often the first to notice pollution or other problems with the water ways and bank sides.

Ive never seen a fish bleed that badly either, and ive been fishing for about 10 years. The worst ive seen is like a little bloody wound because i hooked the fish's body. I could probably get more blood out from a bloodynose than that little wound did. The fish in that picture might have gotten its gills cut or damaged. That will never happen when you are reeling a fish in though.

What do you catch on the beach CFC? Ive gotten some pretty big striper, perch, and some crab near my beach. MMM MM Good :drool:

I catch mainly dogfish (i think you guys call them cat sharks) whiting and pollock year round and lots of mackeral in the summer months, but i get the odd fish thats a bit different as well like gurnards and garfish. I've been trying unsuccessfully to catch rays and sea bass for the last couple of years, hopefully this year i'll get some.
[quote name=''genesis' post='1952191' date='Mar 22 2008, 11:59 PM']What is your oppinion of it?
Personally I think it's barbaric..

I love fishing, for sport and for food. You are simply trolling, if you really felt like this you would not keep fish in what is essentially a glass cage.

[quote name=''genesis' post='1952206' date='Mar 23 2008, 12:25 AM']I think stabbing a fish through the mouth with a sharp metal hook then yanking it out into a suffocating atmosphere is cruel, tbh. :/

for example:

I could show you equally horrible pictures of slaughtered Cattle and Poultry and human beings.

FYI: dolphins and whales are not fish!!! If you are going to include them then you need to include all other mammals!

Makes you ashamed to be human..

No, but I am slightly worried that some people can not classify mammals. TBH, I cant belive this thread has not been deleted yet.
I agree this thread is totally ridiculous. I got to this part and I literally rolled my eyes.

At least when they are caught and moved into the aquarium trade they are not killed!!
I would never kill my fish, they're my pride and joy. Okay, some people may feed guppies and goldfish to other fish.
But I, personally, would never inflict any deliberate harm upon any animal whether fish, bird, reptile, insect, amphibian or mammal

So yes, I do beleive that keeping my fish in great conditions in my aquariums is less barbaric than ramming a hooked spike of metal through their face and yanking them from the water.


Oh please. As if this person can honestly say they've never flattened a cockroach under their boot, swatted a fly, or slapped ants off their legs.

A huge, huge number of products ultimately come from some kind of animal (think about it, not just food, but clothes too) and somewhere along the way there is a process that would be deemed cruel by at least somebody in order to make that product. That's why it is so incredibly hard to be a true vegan. I do not know how true vegans manage to survive!
Often though, where an act is considered cruel, it is actually may necessary, and there is a lot of misunderstanding. If anyone wants a perfect example, ask me about sheep mulesing - its a bit OT but explains the point.

Its not a popular opinion I know, and the idea of whaling still upsets me and the reasons the Japanese use to do it are terrible, but I think the Western world is extremely hypocritical when it comes to slamming other countries for their 'traditional hunts', e.g. the seal hunt, whaling, kangaroo cull etc - what we do to billions of cows, chickens, other domestic animals used for our traditional diets etc I think is just as bad. What makes a whale or seal any more special than a cow or chicken? It's not something I want to get into a fight with anybody here but its just something I think about sometimes, and it doesn't seem right to me to condemn other people when whats going on in our produce sector is sometimes just as horrific.

And as someone else said, this whole argument is hypocritical - you are already supporting the fishing industry - they have to make the flakes you feed your fish out of something.

I've gone off on a few tangents there and rereading my post it doesn't make much sense, but there you go...
Actually, I make a point of fanning flies away, I will never swat one.
Same with ants, I will brush them off, not slap them.
And cockroaches.. well, I've never seen a real one in my life.

Personal attacks are rude and irritating.

Yes, of course I am trolling? (####?)
Get over yourself please.
Its not a popular opinion I know, and the idea of whaling still upsets me and the reasons the Japanese use to do it are terrible, but I think the Western world is extremely hypocritical when it comes to slamming other countries for their 'traditional hunts', e.g. the seal hunt, whaling, kangaroo cull etc - what we do to billions of cows, chickens, other domestic animals used for our traditional diets etc I think is just as bad. What makes a whale or seal any more special than a cow or chicken?

Cows and chickens aren't endangered species as many of the whales hunted by the Japanese, are.
In Britain we have the FSA, the Food Standards Agency which regulates and controlls the slaughtering of animals as a food source. Cows etc. here get a bolt to the brain which is an instant death, no pain, no suffering - their life is just a little shorter, but at least they had one. Whales however get harpoons shot through any old part of their body and they're then hauled onto a boat to die from blood loss. :sly:
Everyones actions good and bad will be counted for when the time comes.

Everything living on this planet serves a purpose, but i dont agree with killing anything.... Imagine one minute swimming, walking, running, flying, etc .... happy as larry and next min, life over... so sad.

I dont think anything deserves to have life ended, but thats the world we live in, i onced hear a little sentence on terminator that makes lots of sense, and that was... Its in our nature to destroy each other.. seems we took this to another level and decided to destroy everything.
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