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I don't see how keeping fish in an aquarium is torture, unnatural yes but certainly not torture. Fish in aquariums can be happy, and even breed which I don't think they'd do unless they were happy. Being on the sharp end of a hook and dragged through the water is a totally different matter (I don't think the fish would breed then :p).

Thats if I understand your point (fishkeeping is torture to fish just like fishing is).

I keep fish so I would be being hypocritical in saying its torture. I wasn't saying that, I was just making a point that fishing is also a hobby, I have been fishing many times and I know several people thst fish I I know of no one that RIPS the hook out. I think even fishermen/women have a heart. They probably think what we do is torture.
Is this not the "circle of life"?
Im pretty sure those baby antelope don't want to be eaten by the lions! Shall we start catching all animals/fish/creatures that MIGHT (WILL) be eaten? just asking. :unsure:
The circle of life kills and brings new life. Why can't I take the death away for a bit and allow life to continue for a little longer in an aquarium? And I get to learn about the creatures while they are in my care.

I would like to take many endangered species out of the wild and keep them in captivity to build up their numbers. Then when humans have finished damaging the environment we can release the animals back into the wild. As it is most governments would rather see species die in the wild than be kept in cages. To me that is illogical and stupid.
ok so firsof all nature is cruel and it has been that way for millions of years
I my self fish alot and just two days ago i was deep sea fishing and when we caught a fish the deck hand hit it over the head with a bat and it died humanly and instantaniasly and in the spring/summer when i fish for trout i always leave the fish in the water and unhook him
but when a fish swallows the hook to deep I cu the line and in about an hour the hook falls out and disolves
then when I get a good fish to eat I snap the neck and the fish dies instantly
I my self hate those who leave line around and hooks as im a conservationalist and help out cleaning up rivers and creating fish habitate
personally I think this thread will go on for a while repeating the things that ave already been posted so everyone has there opinios and Ill leave it at that :good:
Those of us who keep fish and feed them on commercial fish foods are accepting that others fish on our behalf. Or did you think those Tetra flakes came floating down from the clouds?

Unless you are keeping entirely vegetarian fish and feeding them on fruits, there is no point in handwringing about the cruelty of fishing- you are paying to have it done!
Ugh.... I hate to be meanie but I wasted 10 minutes of reading this forum for just some dumb options of fishing. You knew what's everyone's answers and no one's perfect.

Oh sure some likes to eat fish, some likes to fishing, some likes to respect fish, some hates fishing, some hates eating fish and some don't choose any of these. That's your answers.

Oh good to see grass carp in that picture is already dead since asian carps are invasive species in United States.

Actually aquarium fishes are harmful to fishery by just put the exotic fishes in the lakes and ruining the balance of nature. Carp, goldfish, cichlids, snakeheads, pacu and pleco, they are cause problems with the native fishes and their system in the nature.

Again what's point about ask for opitions of fishing? So I think this debate should be stop.

I love to fishing, cooking fishes and eat them.
Ugh.... I hate to be meanie but I wasted 10 minutes of reading this forum for just some dumb options of fishing. You knew what's everyone's answers and no one's perfect.

Oh sure some likes to eat fish, some likes to fishing, some likes to respect fish, some hates fishing, some hates eating fish and some don't choose any of these. That's your answers.

Oh good to see grass carp in that picture is already dead since asian carps are invasive species in United States.

Actually aquarium fishes are harmful to fishery by just put the exotic fishes in the lakes and ruining the balance of nature. Carp, goldfish, cichlids, snakeheads, pacu and pleco, they are cause problems with the native fishes and their system in the nature.

Again what's point about ask for opitions of fishing? So I think this debate should be stop.

I love to fishing, cooking fishes and eat them.

No one asked you to take part in the thread, you wasted another 2minutes typing that when you didnt even want to, Congrats.

Great but, fish you catch r to be eaten unless you can't, weh nyou catch it, you should let it go if you don't want it
Ugh.... I hate to be meanie but I wasted 10 minutes of reading this forum for just some dumb options of fishing.

if you don't like the topic, then don't reply.
Well I think this topic doesn't make any senses at all, through it only show who's fisherman/woman and who's not.

I think fishing are much much much important than fishkeeping because in some parts in the world, the people depends on the fishes for food and try stay alive. Also the fishing is use for management of some species of fishes. Without the fishing, some lakes will have stunted fishes, poor genetics, and messed up the balance.

Fishing is a challenge to some people, that's why they create lures, to challenge the wiseful fishes such as bass and gamefish in Americas. And lots of fishes survived when they are caught and released to make the fishes more wary, and add excellent genetics to the broodstock that next generation will survive. Small fish are eaten while large fishes that can be more than 8 years old in up north are often released to let them produced excellent broodstock of next generation. Some fishing are also very fun for young kids.

It also help us to limited the numbers of taken fishes so we won't overfished the fishes in some lakes. Example: Paddlefish, sturgeon, few species of trout and other protected fish.

Fishing carried more income than fishkeeping....ignore flowerhorns and other asian hybrid cichlids....

If you don't like fishing, then don't go fishing.

However I don't like see whale or dolphins being hunted....who wants to eat them? Oh right the asians. But eskimos taken only few whales for their culture.

I don't think fishing are bad but that's why the laws for. Some lakes only let us use barbless hook, while other lakes don't let us use live bait.
All animals and living things feel pain but it is interpreted differently among different species. Most animals rely on adrenalin to overcome the pain but primates don't, and as such tend to go into shock when injured.
Scientifically you are incorrect. You are confusing pain and nociception.

Pretty much all animals have nociceptors which tell the organism that the body is suffering some detriment, but pain is the psychological side that goes with it and is dealt with in the brain. The area of the brain that is active in higher vertebrates (we humans) when suffering pain has not evolved and as such is missing in fish. Because fish do not have the area of the brain that processes the psychological side of pain is the basis of the "fish do not feel pain" point of view.
I have no problems with fishing, other than when it is to such an extent that it threatens the existence of any particular species.

Lets remember that fishing is a natural part of the food chain, and its not only humas who fish, but bears etc too.

Without fishing, many species could be at risk.

Fishkeeping is an interest devised by humans as a result of our superior intelligence, and not a necessary part of life and evolution.
:lol: i once hooked a swan by accident when it grabbed my bait, it didn't attempt to fly so i was able to very slowly pull it in to the bank where i sat across its back and was attempting to get the hook from its beak when an old woman came and started attacking me with her stick for trying to murder the swan :lol:

I love fishing, i don't freshwater fish much any more since i gave up the competition angling but i like to get down to the beach to fish whenever there is a good tide on a moonlit night. The picture of that fish with the blood pouring down its side is ridiculous, in 20 years of fishing I've never seen a fish bleed like that from being hooked, practically all freshwater fish are returned alive and no worse off for being caught, fish in commercial sport fisheries might be caught 3 or 4 times a week in the summer and still carry on feeding, and even in sport sea angling the majority of anglers practice catch and release only taking home one or two fish for their dinner.

You'll find that good fishermen do clean up after themselves and don't leave hooks and lines laying about, just as in fish keeping there are good people and bad people who don't give a damn about the environment and its these few bad ones who give us a bad press. I've got a cardboard box full of old line and jars full of old rusting hooks that i wont throw away because it can damage animals at the land fill sites. Anglers are the eyes and ears of the environment agency, fishermen are very tuned into the surroundings and are very often the first to notice pollution or other problems with the water ways and bank sides.

Ive never seen a fish bleed that badly either, and ive been fishing for about 10 years. The worst ive seen is like a little bloody wound because i hooked the fish's body. I could probably get more blood out from a bloodynose than that little wound did. The fish in that picture might have gotten its gills cut or damaged. That will never happen when you are reeling a fish in though.

What do you catch on the beach CFC? Ive gotten some pretty big striper, perch, and some crab near my beach. MMM MM Good :drool:
Also the fishing is use for management of some species of fishes. Without the fishing, some lakes will have stunted fishes, poor genetics, and messed up the balance.

It also help us to limited the numbers of taken fishes so we won't overfished the fishes in some lakes. Example: Paddlefish, sturgeon, few species of trout and other protected fish.
Not sure where you got that bit of info from but fishing does not help limit natural fish populations and keep the genetic biodiversity good. Quite the contrary, fishing tends to reduce the population and it is usually the biggest healthiest fish that are kept. The smaller weaker individuals are left behind to breed and pass on their genetics.
A natural waterway will develop its own balance and fish numbers will build up to a point and then predators, disease or lack of food will prevent population explosions. Usually a combinations of the three.
Fishing laws limit the number of fishes taken so that we don't overfish waterways. But I am sure if the laws weren't in place the fish stocks would be decimated and species would become extinct. That is why the laws were brought in. To prevent extinction of overfished species. The fish would be fine without humans and continue to live a long and normal life just like they have done for the past 100million years.

Without fishing, many species could be at risk.

Fishkeeping is an interest devised by humans as a result of our superior intelligence, and not a necessary part of life and evolution.
How do you figure many species would be at risk without fishing? Humans are the ones endangering fish stocks.

Fish keeping was devised as a way to hold and keep fish alive for an extended period of time so they could be eaten at a later time. The Chinese and Romans would go fishing with traps and catch the fish but instead of killing them, they would put them in ponds where they were kept until dinner time or for when food resources were low. Then they would go and get the fish from the pond. The Romans were quite ingenious about it. They used their hydro engineering skills to create running water in their towns and diverted water to the ponds so they had a constant stream of water running into them. This allowed the water to stay cleaner and more fish could be kept in smaller ponds for longer and still remain healthy. Basically like a modern day garden hose running water into a backyard pond.
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