Fishes, Fishs, Fish's - FISH


Feb 14, 2004
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The plural of Fish is FISH

Not fishes, fishs, fish's or anything else for that matter!!

I really had hoped a tropical fish forum would be able to get that right, if its not you then thats cool. I just had to get this off my chest!!


And i should have done a search before i posted :p

Ignore this please!!
Tropjunky said:
U suck it's fishs where i come from and The word fish's is not plural it means fish is the `s stands for is and s` meand it belongs to.
About the Fish's, thats exactly what i meant!

Its to emphasise belonging. "My fish's scales are very nice"

It is not however a plural of the word fish

FISHS however is not even registered in the Oxford English Dictionary at all!!

Sorry Malt but 'fishes' is actually the plural of 'fish', along with just 'fish'. Check the dictionary. I thought it was wrong myself and being the type of person I am, I checked.

Saying 'fishs' is like saying 'sheeps'. Sorry no offence, but it's simply grammatically incorrect.

Thing is, it's a forum. I don't know why people are getting so uptight about it. This is the 2nd topic on it in as many days.

Now, ppl dat dnt pt ne pnctuaton or pt da ful wrd hak me rite off

lol, no worries.

I just discovered some stuff anyway. Fishes is an acceptable verb as in, A man who fishes.

When used as a plural is an American bastardisation of the English word.

Its not true English, its American English. :D

Ok, nm. :p
Ooops it was me that started the other thread. The only time fishes is correct grammatically is when you ar talking about someone fishing ie he fishes, she fishes, they fish... It is incorrect to use it as a plural only a verb, as Malt-vinegar says.

I think it should die now too. It was my use of rhetoric that started it all - sorry. Its just something that bugs me. Like when people say that someone didn't do it proper, instead of properly... Again sorry, I'm an uptight English woman... not
Wow, I graduated with a degree in English literature and took a hellishly in-depth grammar class, and I haven't even bitched about the spelling, syntax, aesthetics, origin, or general fun use of the word "fish". :p

Also the internet is rife with misspellings, bastardizations, shortenings, and special jargon; and it even has its own grammar scheme at times. Internet English could arguably be a different dialect of English, and therefore follow different common-use rules than formal English.

Besides, I have spoken with people who have a lot more problems with the language than the plural of the word "fish" - many of whom can claim English as their native language. :lol:
hee hee, I think the word 'fishes' is cute :wub: Leader of the Fish sounds boring :whistle: Leader of the Fishes however :hyper:

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