looking good so far looking forward to its progress.
just an opinion with the stocking instead of getting Buenos Aires tetras get maybe bloodfin tetras instead as the buenos aires tetras tend to eat the plants which could cause a problem. Also maybe adding a big centrepiece fish like some angels or a similar sized new world cichlid.
OK, thanks. I will look into it now. I don't know alot about tropicals so I appretiate your advice. I am not aware of any non-aggressive breeds of cichlid. Could you suggest any for me please?
most cichlids are aggressive during breeding, however with the smaller cichlid its more of a case of chasing the other fish away from that area. the most peaceful types are the Apistogramma species such as cockatoo dwarf cichlid, the german and bolvian rams are also peaceful. also slightly larger cichlid like t-bars, keyhole, festivum, blue arca etc. if you want to read up on them they are all in central and south american species index. here
also your tank is quite large so you may be able to put severums into the tank but i'm not entierly sure on that
hope this helps
Thanks dude. I have looked into it and I like the German Blue Ram the best so I am thinking that I will get 1 male and 1 female... From what I read they are picky with their mates and won't pair up just because their is only 2 of them. So I will get the smallest ones I can and hopefully they will bond in time and live happily together.