

New Member
Jan 23, 2008
Reaction score
Ipswich Suffolk
Hi to all i am new at this fish hobby, i have plattys in my tank its a fluval 180 with a fluval 205 filter system, i was wondering if anyone can help me to tell me why most of my fish sit or swim at the top of the tank is there a reason for this or is this what they do, as they are top feeders?
Is your tank cycled? One of mine swam near the top after i thought it was cycled (it wasn't properly) then it died.

Could also be a lack of oxygen, does your filter disturb the water surface at all?
The surface of your tank should look like this...


(BTT's pic from another thread :good:)

Have you got any air pumps?
How long has the tank been set up.
Do you have water stats in ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and ph.
How many fish do you have in the tank,, and which type.
no i have no air pumps, there is a current in the water the filter blows the water in from about 3" under the surface of the water, i have 6 plants in the tank also, i would show you a picture of the set out but it wont download on to the forum. i have had this set up for only 2 weeks, and put fish in after 7 days. does this help?
no i have no air pumps, there is a current in the water the filter blows the water in from about 3" under the surface of the water, i have 6 plants in the tank also, i would show you a picture of the set out but it wont download on to the forum. i have had this set up for only 2 weeks, and put fish in after 7 days. does this help?

upload the pic to a image hosting site m8, then put link here..

Use photobucket or if you just want to add a quick pic, use imageshack.

The link you want to be pasting here starts with


Your tank cycling then.
You need to read up on a cycling tank.
Take a sample of your tank water to the lfs and tell them to wriite the readings down for you.
I would also buy a pump and airstone for extra aeration in helps in a cycling tank, also good in warm water, and some fish like to play in the bubbles.
Do you only have platies in the tank as salt good for there gills in a cycling tank.
no i have no air pumps, there is a current in the water the filter blows the water in from about 3" under the surface of the water, i have 6 plants in the tank also, i would show you a picture of the set out but it wont download on to the forum. i have had this set up for only 2 weeks, and put fish in after 7 days. does this help?

thankyou for your help i will keep in touch if i need anymore help
no i have no air pumps, there is a current in the water the filter blows the water in from about 3" under the surface of the water, i have 6 plants in the tank also, i would show you a picture of the set out but it wont download on to the forum. i have had this set up for only 2 weeks, and put fish in after 7 days. does this help?

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