fish stocking


Fish Fanatic
Aug 4, 2003
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i have a 29G tank. in it right now i have 2 golden mollies, 2 pleckos, 1 rainbow shark, 4 tiger barbs, and 2 angle fish. i plan to get a bichir eel and 2 african butterflyfish, and 2-3 african chiclids. is this too many fish for the tank? they lady at my lfs said the my filteratrition would be able to handle it. i have 2 filters one pumps arround 160GPH and the other one pumps arrround 330GPH so i have about a 500GPH system. well i hope i can get all the fish i wanna get. any advice on what fish to get and what fish not to geet would be greatly accepted. thanks .
Don't buy more fishes, because your tank is already quite "mess" - meaning soft/hard water fishes mixed together...

2 golden mollies

Molly is a fish which live in hard/basic water.

2 pleckos

What plecos? Pleco is usually soft/acidic water fish. They usually need good water-stream too and warm water. Hopefully they are some small ones...

1 rainbow shark

Epalzeorhynchos frenatum ? Soft-middle hard, better to be soft and slightly acidic water. Too big fish in 29gal.

4 tiger barbs

acidic/soft water.. And they are fin nippers too. So, you shouldn't keep them with Angels etc.. It's a shoal fish too and should be kept in a shoal, like 8-10 at least (the morethe better) in big tanks (min. 160-200 liters), because then their behaviour is calmer.

2 angle fish

Acidic/soft water. 29g is too small for them. They can be even 30cm high with fins, P. altum even higher than P. scalare. Aquarium should be at least 50cm high.
mrV said:
1 rainbow shark

Epalzeorhynchos frenatum ? Soft-middle hard, better to be soft and slightly acidic water. Too big fish in 29gal.

4 tiger barbs

acidic/soft water.. And they are fin nippers too. So, you shouldn't keep them with Angels etc.. It's a shoal fish too and should be kept in a shoal, like 8-10 at least (the morethe better) in big tanks (min. 160-200 liters),
While i agree with everything else i find these two a little harsh,the maximum size of a rainbow shark is 6" and since a 29g should be somewhere between 36 and 40 inches long this is not too big for that tank,it is however the largest fish i would suggest putting into a tank that size.
The tiger barbs are another fish that remains small,admitedly you should keep a shoal of at least 6 but i see no problems in keeping 6 3" fish in a 29 gallon tank.But i totally agree they must not be kept with angel fish.

A 29g tank is not big enough for even the smallest bichir,the smallest species is P.senegalus which will reach 12 to 14 inches and should have a minimum of a 50 gallon tank,they are also predatory and may eat your tiger barbs.

African cichlids should not be combined with any other fish other than more african cichlids from the same lake,they are territorial and aggressive and will make short work of all your other fish.

Butterfly fish must never be combined with barbs of any kind,they will end up torn up and dead in minutes.

Your tank is already stocked to its limits so i would not suggest adding any more fish.Sounds like you need to invest in another bigger tank.

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