Fish (species or types) you'll never keep again?


Fish Herder
May 3, 2019
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Pennsylvania backwoods
I had a dumbo eared betta. I will never ever keep a dumbo again. The large fins made it difficult to swim, the large fins attracted the guppies who nipped them until I removed her. She could not stand any kind of current, and had to live in an unfiltered tank with plants. The whole thing seemed cruel to the betta and I will never keep another dumbo again. I will never keep moscow guppies. The large tail weighed the guppy down and just seemed not good.

What are yours?
Probably platies. Just boring to me. I may add neon tetras after next week. If these 16 new ones that I ordered don’t survive then I give up on them.
Zebra danios - They're a pain to catch and not only that, but half of the fish died after a week of keeping them.
they are evil, I had a shoal and they attacked and killed all of my other fish and then started killing each other
Psycho how?
They beat the poop out of everything in the tank.

Long story short, my 4 year old picked out this one molly. She is a terror. I cant put her in the livebearer tank because she has a history of killing guppies and making other fish hide. Shes chased guppies out of the tank. Shes rammed other fish hard enough they hit the ground. She is MEAN.

We have a male who can be really nasty too but man, Cookie is the boss.
They beat the poop out of everything in the tank.

Long story short, my 4 year old picked out this one molly. She is a terror. I cant put her in the livebearer tank because she has a history of killing guppies and making other fish hide. Shes chased guppies out of the tank. Shes rammed other fish hard enough they hit the ground. She is MEAN.

We have a male who can be really nasty too but man, Cookie is the boss.
Yikes... glad mine never went psycho. I did have a cory than ate 4 neons tho, totally odd for cories
They beat the poop out of everything in the tank.

Long story short, my 4 year old picked out this one molly. She is a terror. I cant put her in the livebearer tank because she has a history of killing guppies and making other fish hide. Shes chased guppies out of the tank. Shes rammed other fish hard enough they hit the ground. She is MEAN.

We have a male who can be really nasty too but man, Cookie is the boss.
Glad im not the only one with the devil molly.
probably a bichir, i had one in almost closed tank (only a little opening for filter) and somehow he manage to jump out from there. The horror when i saw him dried up next to the aquarium probable made me never bought a bichir ever again
Angels- when they matured and paired up they killed all the other fish.
Mine would probably be the glofish shark. I read online before purchasing as long as you kept 1 gloshark per tank (of adequate size) they should do okay. I have a 10 gallon tank with Only 5 glo tetras and previously the gloshark. 10 gallons seemed plenty as all the fish are less than 1” and there was only one gloshark. Except the gloshark constantly and i mean EVERY single time i looked Into the tank, was chasing the tetras around. It came to a point that the tetras all became stressed and would no longer school, became aggressive towards each other and became separated in territories of the tank. When i tried To feed them the shark would chase any fish away that tried to eat. After about 5 straight days of only the gloshark hoarding all the food i put In the tank and the tetras had what seemed like about starved, i decided to donate the gloshark back to the petstore. Happy i did Because right after that all of my tetras were no longer aggressive towards one another, we’re actively swimming around the tank again and they all ate the very first time I fed them after removing the gloshark. Probably won’t try and keep these again because of all the hassle the one caused me and it wasn’t the prettiest fish to look at either. Wouldn’t recommended unless u have a 20+ gallon aquarium as it seemed the fish became extremely territorial.
I had a male molly (rescue, I posted about him last year), but he was very docile to the other fish in the tank. SIP Marshawn.

For me, definitely White Cloud Mountain Minnows. I love them, but with what I want to do with my tank, I don't see them in my forseeable future (next 5-6 years). I had six, but only one remains now, as I am phasing them out.
I could say the same for Common Plecos, as I had them years ago (technically my dad, but). The tank was too small anywho, but we didn't know better at the time (it as 70g), and they just don't really have appeal.

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