Fish Sold To Me As Convict (pictures Added)

You could keep 6 cories in the 30 gallon and get a pleco or two for the 150 gallon.
How about just one more tinfoil barb so the other one would have a partner?
I was thinking they get huge and with the severum, 2 parrots and Jack Dempsey, it might not be enough room.
Good to here your doing your best to care for everyone. :D
Definately overstocked, but not ridiculously overstocked. Slightly hanging over the fence in terms of bio load. Thats why your ammonia and Nitrites are fine, but don't add anymore do that tank IMO. And when you can set up another, but they will be fine for now. Also consider getting him a nice cave to feel more safe.
Well, I followed your advice about giving him more places to hide, I got him a bunch of nice fake plants today. But, I went to the petsmart I got him from (the JD) and told the lady that sold it to me that she had some jack Dempsey in the wrong tank and that she sold me the wrong fish, she tells me that you typically can't tell a jack Dempsey, convict, or a green terror apart. I was just like :sick: I think maybe it jumped from another tank or something, they don't have tops on the aquariums, well just thought it was funny how incompetent some of these people can be.
That is a bad LFS giving you this crap, of course you can tell the difference!!! I could already from reading your description without even seeing the fish...These people shouldn't be selling fish if they can't tell them apart
QUOTE(ox5477 @ Jul 11 2007, 05:23 PM)
ya, thats a juve jd. what else do you have in with him? His dark coloration says that he feels very threatened or stressed

nvmind about the stocking, idiot i am just noticed the above post. He is prob threatened by the parrots (as they always seem to like to be nasty) and the sev.

get the 150 up and running asap... that is surely why he looks so stressed, because he has no room along with every other fish in that tank. I would say its prob 4x to 5x overstocked

Well, he sleeps with the parrots, the parrots are the most tame thing in the tank, the severum and the jack don't even notice each other. I doubt it's overstocked that much with their current size, nitrites and ammonia are 0.

Yes this is overstocked. don't go by your water parameters to say if a tank is overstocked. you can have a canister made for a 150G tank running on a 10G to take care of bioload and say the tank if fine becuase you have enough filtration but it is still overstocked.

All of those fish will get much bigger. the jd will get to 7 to 8"+ as an adult (needs a 45G alone), sev will get upwards of 8 to 9"+ (needs 55G alone), the parrots can get to 4 to 5 inches around (needs 30G alone). they may all fit now but in a few monthes you would have caused stunting in the fish and drastically shortened their lives. I seriously recommend moving them before you endanger the health of the fish

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