Fish Room Journal


Fish Addict
Sep 22, 2006
Reaction score
North Wales
Ok so I may be getting a big (5'x2'x2') tank at the end of the week. Even if I don't get that tank I have decided it is time to make a move on my bigger tank and fish room plans.

So today I started. The fish room will be in my parents garage. No fancy conversions here, we are going to partition the back off as my fish room and leave the front for storage (to avoid planning issues and major cost etc).

The first part of this plan was to clear out the garage which was piled to the ceiling with junk. We have been working at this for the past 2 weeks and today I decided to make a real effort to get moving. I spent 4 hrs clearing out the junk, 3 coffees and 15 bin bags later it looked like this...


The next stage was a good clean to remove as much dust as possible. I spent another hour brushing and vacuuming while softlad broke up all the furniture we had taken out. We had decided to paint the walls to reduce dust and increase the light. Once the dust was dealt with out came the paint and brushes. This is our progress when Mum called us for lunch...


So with filled bellies we started painting again. Another hour passed and I was ready for a cig break. Softlad was trying to look busy although I wasn't fooled. See if you can spot the beer bottle :lol:


Another couple of hours later and the painting is finally finished.


So that's it for today. Next stage is building the supports for the tank which will go on the back wall. We are building it from breeze blocks with a big wooden top (idea stolen from Navarre). It will stretch the entire width of the garage which means if I don't get the tank I'm looking at currently I will have one built to fit the space which will likely be closer to 7ft long.

Next installment next week when I have money to buy stuff :lol:
Good work :good:

Hope you either live at your parents or aren't too far away. It'd be a shame to have a beautiful setup that you could only see now and again.
I currently live next door to my parents but I'm probably going to have to move home for a while in the next couple of months until I can find a suitable house for my fish :lol:
:D :D :D I just found out I definately have the 5'x2'x2' tank I wanted along with the Queen Angel :D :D :D

Comes complete with sump and all pipework but I will need to buy the pumps etc.

If anyone wants a queen angel let me know. I'm paying £100 for it which is an absolute bargain and I'm happy to let it go for the same. It should cost more like £250++
A little progress has been made today.

I have found a home for the Queen Angel at my LFS, they are giving me store credits for it to go towards my HUGE bill.

I have been getting prices today. This is roughly what it is going to cost me.

Tank (and angelfish) £200
4x powerheads (2x powerfilter with the media removed to put stuff in, 2x PH) £130
V2 600 skimmer £110
RO man RO/DI unit (50gal per day rated) £80
Sump return pump £60
Sand £40
Live rock 62.5kg £730 (should be £812.50 but I get discount for being a regular customer)

500 bricks £125
40mm thick worktop 7'x2' £60
2x 7' 4x2 timber (to make up the width needed) £16
Delivery x2 (getting it over 2 weeks to spread the cost) £17

Total £1568

I am considering cutting the costs a bit by seeding some base rock rather than buying all LR. The bioload will be the same as in my 55gal and 17gal so I figure I could possibly use the LR I already have at a push and give it time. If I sell my other tanks as complete setups then obviously it will help towards the cost of buying more LR.

So the next step is get the tank a week on friday and have it empty in my dining room for a week or two while I build the stand.
Aww thanks. Feel free to make a donation to the cause :lol:

I am budgeting around £100 a week for the setup so it's going to take a while :blink:
I have a few pics of my new tank. I went to measure up today and took my camera :blush: Yes I am that sad :lol:

This is the pipework from the sump return. There are 3 outlets with taps so I can adjust the flow from them.

This is the pipe down to the sump. For anyone having glugging noises, the man who set this tank up used a sink plughole cover on the top of the pipe to stop the water noise. He took it off to let me hear what a difference it makes. I was amazed something so simple completely silenced the system.

This is where the pipe goes from the tank into the sump

The whole sump

A blurry shot of the angel

And a clear shot of the angels bum :lol:

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
Nope he's going to the LFS in exchange for credit, although watching him hand feed was lovely and really tempted me to keep him
I started my new job at a LFS today. They don't sell marines anymore so all the left over marine stock is half price, plus my 20% staff discount!!

Also they still have thier old marine setup.....

6x 30ish gallon display tanks and stands
3x sump tanks
all pipework
UV steriliser
fluidised sandbed filter
2x 1m long 250watt MH
1x smaller 159 watt MH

all for the grand total of.....£500

I nearly fainted when they told me the price

To say I bit their hand off would be and understatement :lol:
I started my new job at a LFS today. They don't sell marines anymore so all the left over marine stock is half price, plus my 20% staff discount!!

Also they still have thier old marine setup.....

6x 30ish gallon display tanks and stands
3x sump tanks
all pipework
UV steriliser
fluidised sandbed filter
2x 1m long 250watt MH
1x smaller 159 watt MH

all for the grand total of.....£500

I nearly fainted when they told me the price

To say I bit their hand off would be and understatement :lol:

So did you get every thing?
ANd pics! I love hardware.
So did you get every thing?
ANd pics! I love hardware.

I bought the lot yes

I'll get some pics when I can

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