Fish Room Journal

The Queen Angel has a new home as of tomorrow. She is going to Blue Planet Aquarium.

It has a HUGE reef tank (with fake corals) which she could go in or they may put her in the massive shark tank. I think the shark tank is most likely as the reef tank is already pretty fully stocked.

Here's hoping they let me have a year pass as compensation :lol: I doubt it but hey it's worth an ask :nod:

wow what a good home for her, for anyone that hasn't been there it's aabsolutely stunning, really lovely tanks and i've never spotted an unwell fish in there.

i'll keep an eye out for her when we next visit :D
Blue planet aquarium! that will be wicked if ur fish goes in the main shark tank, its massive!! Make sure u get lots of free passes off them!!
oooh get a load of free passes and we can all have a meet up to go se her in her new home!! :good:
well I will ask for some free passes....if she does go there.

I decided to put her on ebay. Last try at getting her a home before she goes to the aquarium. I do have a bidder for her at the moment but I'm not letting her go unless they have a bigger tank than mine and lots of knowledge.

anyway..the auction ends tomorrow so she will quite probably go to blue planet on friday.

So..back to business.

This is a fish room journal, so far I have only told you about one tank.

I have once again been a busy bee.

My 55gal has as you know been emptied into the big tank and being me I couldn't just leave it empty. So I moved it into the garage with the 125gal and transferred the contents of my 30gal planted FW tank into it.

I must admit it looks quite nice.

I also put a carpet down and moved a sofa in there. Luckily for me the sofa splits into 2 halves otherwise it would never have fitted.

The original plan was to put my other tanks in there too but there just isn't the room. So my fish room is for now not far off finished.

I just need to box in my tank stand and install my new skimmer, lighting and other stuff I haven't bought yet :lol:
Oooh oooh, now can you spill some water on the carpet? :D

:lol: 5 litre bucket of RO christened the carpet today.

In my defence I have my wrist in a splint courtesy of a wardrobe and a staircase. But that's another story.

Anyway... Can any of you bigger tank owners let me know how much you top off each day? I am currently adding a 5 litre bucket of RO pretty much every day. It's not a problem for me but it just seems like alot.

Also....Because of the size of the system a 10% water change would be around 16.5 gallons. So just over 3 of my big water containers. I have 2 water containers :( I will buy another but..... I am thinking, instead of doing (for round numbers) a 15gallon water change once a week, could I do 3 x 5gallon changes like every other day or something?

I know it may sound like more work but it would only take me 10mins where a big weekly change takes ages, especially as I'm working one handed at the moment.

I'm in there tinkering all day anyway. I am doing my many tests a couple at a time instead of one huge testing session.
Well, I hate to sound like a masochist, but you're way better off going through the pain and doing the 10%. Less than that and the changes aren't really effective.
I supppose so...

I was kinda going on the principle that if the tank is understocked and well filtered the changes are more for replacing used up nutrients etc than for keeping water quality.

I'm figuring with my stocking I'm not gonna need huge changes anyway. It's a 165gallon system with :

1 x maroon clown
1 x longhorn cowfish
1 x blue gold damsel
1 x diamond goby
3 x blue green chromis
It actually has nothing to do with the stock and everything to do with math and the laws of division :crazy:

I must admit, math theory isn't my strong point, but I've had many mathematicians/statisticians show me how two 5% water changes is not as good as one 10% change.

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