Fish Quiz

blue green algae or also known as Cyanobacteria
perfect answer FM
A little further info :
Quoted from
This isn't a true algae, but a bacteria called cyanobacteria that is able to photosynthesise. Covers everything in a blue/gteen slimy mat. Easily peels off but grows back again very quickly. It can smell pretty foul. It is very commonly found in the substrate and especially along the front glass where is receives light.
Think we've had that one already altho it's difficult to know unless you read thro the whole thing!
DrRob asked that question as far as I remember. But it does not matter to much. Your'e bound to get some questions the same.
this fish is found mainly in freshwater aquariums---it is banned in most countries except the US.   Also California does not allow people to keep this fish.   What is the trade name and the name of the exact species?  


  • SN852136.JPG
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Glofish - specifically the skirt tetra variety.

Gymnocorymbus ternetzi
Sunburst Orange Glofish Tetra - Gymnocorymbus ternetzi
Right you are EaglesAquarium and you were first to anwer correctly---Mamashack is also correct  the picture is of a danio glofish--the one i showed is in fact the Glofish Tetra---I know some people are against them but I believe they live just as long as regular Tetras.   I have 3 of them.  They are very active.  Here's a video of the three of mine:  
Batter Up (Eagles)
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Mamashack said:
Think we've had that one already altho it's difficult to know unless you read thro the whole thing!
WILDER said:
DrRob asked that question as far as I remember. But it does not matter to much. Your'e bound to get some questions the same.
A catfish, isn't a cat... what is a dogfish?

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