Fish Quiz

Whitepsot ca
Whitespot can lay dormant in a tank just waiting for a sick stressed fish. Also bacteria lives in the background of a tank that can soon take hold of  stressed fish.
What are the signs of whitespot or ich?
Small, raised, bright white spots on the fish, along with scratching or flashing :)
Your turn to ask a question.
What is the correct term for a catfish's 'whiskers'?
Your turn to ask one :)
Mamashack said:
Apparently watts pre gallon is an archaic way of rating lights so I'll pass the baton on to daize!
Absolutely correct.  The 'wattage' rating is all about 'power consumption' and has nothing to do with 'light production'.  In the case of our planted tanks (or marine corals) the most important thing to the plants/coral is the amount of light produced.  For our billfolds, the most important thing is power consumption, which shows why LED lighting is getting to popular.  Higher upfront costs, but lower costs over the life of the fixture.
Why are certain fish and plants banned in some countries? (there are two answers to this)
They outcompete native flora & fauna; they pose economic threats to domestic trade?
Answer 1 correct, answer 2 generally not.
The species is endangered in the wild thus being banned?
They can over populate with no natural predators?
So malfunction and 508 both got answers. So whoever asks first gets the question.

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