Fish Psychologist


Jun 17, 2004
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Could someone please give me the name of the fish psychologist who has spread the rumors that you have to have a certain number of fish in the tank for different species. I have done countless searches looking for this person who analysed different fish and determined if there are not so many of a species swimming together, they become depressed and committ mass murders among the aquariums, or they yank the owners into the tanks in desperation to have more of their kind. I even looked at college courses, so I could find the information about these analysts, to no avail. If you know who told you such things, please tell me their names and whereabouts. I am having a hard time believing if you don't have 4 cory's together, then you can't have them. Will I go to jail for cory abuse if there is only 3??? I am feeling real bad about the mental anguish I have put upon certain fish over the 27 years of owning fish. If we had only known back then that certain fish have to have so many tankmates, or they can't survive. Has anyone determined just how long they will live without the right amount of tankmates to keep them company? I know it is many years, but I would like to know just how many years I have taken off their poor lives. Could someone please make a list naming the different kinds of fish that have tender psyches, so I will stop being such a fish abuser. Please state the name or names of the Psychologists who determined this list. Thank you so very much.

Will I ever get over the guilt??? :dunno:
Is this like a college educated person, or a joke? Some of what they've supposively said sounds so bogus.
:lol: sounds like someone's comments rubbed you the wrong way f250 ;)

funny that you mention fish psychology though, i recently read an article dealing with the training of fighters and it had a big section devoted to analyzing the pyschological strengths and signs of mental weakness in potential plakat fighters, very interesting ;)
nah...just tired of sitting back and not saying what utter nonsense some of this stuff is. sooo...I :S
LOL...thanks for the laugh fisher, I needed that today :)

To the clueless responders...fisher was being sarcastic, hehe

I had a hinting of sarcasim, but you know, now a days there are fish psychologists, it's really not as crazy as it seems.
awww shrks1...u let the cat out of the bag. lol...I just think it is so silly to tell people you can't put this type of fish in the tank because you have to have 3, 4, 0r 5 of the species, and there is not room. I have used corys for years as a bottom cleaner. Usually 1 algae eater and 1 cory, and the tanks stay clean. I have heard so much BS lately concerning fish, I don't know where people come with this stuff. Just like Melafix being bad for a betta. Because it has a medicine aroma...the betta is breathing this and has to be suffering?? Give me a break. The problem is someone gets an idea about something, and they tell some newbie. Then the newbie goes through life thinking it is true, until they learn differently. Just because someone THINKS it is right, doesn't make it right. Learn to research the subject, and talk to EXPERIENCED breeders, not some person who has 1 spawn and 5 fry survived. I read 5 boards on a daily basis, and there is so much nonsense being spread around, it is no wonder so many new fish keepers have sick fish.
Normally I just laugh and shake my head at some of the things written, but sometimes I get tired of reading the junk. Sooo...since it is alright to tell nonsense on the boards, then it needs to be alright for anyone to call it nonsense, if that is what it is. I wanted to start my own post, so it would not look like I am pointing a finger at a particular person.It has nothing to do with anyone in particular, just some of the things I am reading. If anyone wants to comment on this, please do. No matter what the opinion. Let's just agree to disagree on some things, and take it for what it's worth.
I totally agree Fisher....I have also felt that way with corys...I've always had Albino Corys in my tank and never have I had more than 3 at a time, and often there is just one (right now I have 2) and they are just fine...I've NEVER seen my Cory's "school", they are always off on their own part of the tank searching for food. Neons and stuff like that, maybe I can understand as they DO school when scared, but actually don't even school if they are comfortable, schooling is a defensive thing for schooling fish.

And very true about how untrue stuff gets spread, that's exactly how it happens, one person reads it on a forum, assumes "since it's on the internet, it must be true" and spreads the wrong info, doesn't take long to become "untrue fact", Lol. The Internet is so great, but in the same way it's so bad for this reason.


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