Fish Or Kids?

Which do you have right now?

  • We have fish and kids

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Just kids (wanting fish)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Just fish

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Emma 21, Andrew 17. 3 fish tanks, and 3 cats, kitty,tasmin,edward.
5 kids
stacey 15
becky 13
gaby 11
jordan 9
mitchell 8
plus hubby 42 & biggest kid of all

plus 6 tanks plus 1 daft cavalier king charles spaniel 8 months old

:D :D :D :hyper: :hyper: :hyper: :crazy: :crazy: :crazy:
since Im 15 I hopefully dont have to go through parenthood for a while. :crazy: But when Im old enough Ill want some kids.
Just fish for me :)

Personally I think kids work well with fish. I have three kids and planning a fourth, I have a rabbit. chickens two dogs and a husband. I could not imagine life any other way. Babys also find fish relaxing to watch. I always parked my kids in front of the tank when they were small.
My fish out number my only child 30 - 1 :lol:
Luck for me, he shares my love of fishkeeping.
Just fish and billions of others pets. Not too fond of children and never want one myself.
I have 2 girls ages 17 and 13 and my little man is 10. Hubby has 3 boys ages 13, 11, and 6.
Add to that 2 dogs, 2 cats, 2 bunnies, and a gang of bettas, we are pretty full up!
Just fish for me... I'm 14. :p But I may have kids or adopt one day.
I just keep fish at the moment as I find I can fit far more of them into a 55g.I reckon you could only squeeze 1 or maybe 2 kids in there and the ammonia level would probably be sky high after a day or two
I just keep fish at the moment as I find I can fit far more of them into a 55g.I reckon you could only squeeze 1 or maybe 2 kids in there and the ammonia level would probably be sky high after a day or two

You're right- they are huge waste producers! :lol: :lol:

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