Plant info for the 3rd time....Dang computer

Going to post every time I get one done so I don't have to keep doing this.
Amazon Sword - Echinodorus Bleheri
The most popular aquarium plant of them all. A nutritious bottom promotes growth. Use laterite, florite, or some root tabs. Hardy and easy solitary plant for both beginners and experts. Height 20-50 cm, Light requirements low-very high, Temperature 20-30 °C, Hardness tolerance soft-hard, pH tolerance 5,5-9, Growth fast (good plant for out compeating the algae). Very easy to grow.
Anubias - Anubias Angustifolia
Beautiful plant with long, narrow leaves. It is not eaten by herbivorous fish. Height 10-15+ cm, Light requirements very low-high, Temperature 20-30 °C, Hardness tolerance very soft-hard, pH tolerance 5,5-8. Growth is slow but easy to grow.
Anubias - Anubias Barteri
An undemanding plant. Grows somewhat larger than Anubias barteri var. nana but is grown in the same conditions. It is best planted in a shady spot to restrict algae growth on the leaves. Herbivorous fish do not eat the very tough and robust leaves. Height 25-45 cm, Light requirements very low-medium, Temperature 20-30 °C, Hardness tolerance very soft-very hard, pH tolerance 5,5-9. Growth very slow and grows algae easily, but is a easy plant to grow.
Anubias - Anubias Coffeefolica
The leaves arch considerably between the leaf ribs, and the new leaves are red-brown. Flowers frequently under water but does not produce seeds there. Temperature .. 20-30ºC, pH tolerance .. 5.5-9pH, Hardness tolerance … soft-very hard. Very easy plant to grow.
Anubias - Anubias Nana
A small, attractive plant which thrives in all conditions. Best results by tying on a stone or tree root by using fishing line. If planted in the gravel the rhizome must not be covered because it will rot. Flowers frequently under water. It is not eaten by herbivorous fish. Height 5-15 cm, Light requirements very low-medium, Temperature 20-30 °C, Hardness tolerance very soft-very hard, pH tolerance 5,5-9. Growth is very slow but very easy.
Moneywort - Bacopa Monnieri
Highly recommended plant that thrives in most conditions. Propagate by cuttings (cut with sissors or knife and put the cutting in the gravel and you have instant new plant.) Looks best in large groups. Height 25-50 cm, Light requirements medium-very high, Temperature 15-30 °C, Hardness tolerance soft-very hard, pH tolerance 6-9. A very easy plant to grow but does so slowly.
Cabomba - Cabomba Caroliniana
Least demanding of the Cabomba species. Can cause problems in poorly lit aquariums. Most decorative when planted in groups. Eaten locally as a vegetable. Height 30-80+ cm, Light requirements medium-very high, Temperature 18-26 °C, Hardness tolerance soft-hard, pH tolerance 4-7. Grows fast (good to combat algae) but isn't one of the easier plant to grow.
Cardamine - Cardamine Lyrata
Is actually a marsh plant AKA bog plant not really good in the aquarium. Plant in groups, and make sure the water temperature does not exceed 28 degrees for long (this makes the leaves much smaller and the plant more leggy). Height 20-50 cm, Light requirements medium-very high, Temperature 15-24 °C, Hardness tolerance soft-hard, pH tolerance 6-8. Fast growing and easy as well.
Hornwort - Ceratophyllum Demersum
Cardamine lyrata is a light green and often quite bushy plant. It prefers cool water (like what goldfish prefure). A nutrient rich substrate should be offered to all fast growing plants. Growth is faster if the water is CO2 enriched. Cardamine lyrata may be reproduced from seeds as well as cuttings. Temperature 10-25 ºC, pH tolerance acid-basic, Hardness tolerance … soft-hard. Not the easiest plant to grow. In fact it can be quite difficult.
Wisteria - Hygrophila Difformis
A beautiful and undemanding plant for beginners. Helps create a balance in the aquarium because of it's rapid growth it helps prevent algae. The plant absorbs a great number of nutrients from the water. The shortage of micro-nutrients leads to pale leaves, which may be an indication that the aquarium needs fertiliser. Temperature .. 22-30ºC, pH tolerance .. 5-9pH, Hardness tolerance … soft-very hard. A very easy and fast growing plant.
Hygrophila Polysperma
Usually an undemanding plant. If you want deep-pink leaves you must provide intensive light. Height 20-30+cm, Width 6-10cm, Light high-very, Temperature .. 18-28ºC, pH tolerance 5-8pH, Hardness tolerance soft-hard. It's not the easiest plant to grow but it's also not the hardest to grow.
Java Fern - Microsorum Pteropus
A water fern that is found attached to roots and rocks in Nature. new plant should be attached to a rock or driftwood with a thin wire or a rubber band or fishing line until new anchor roots have been formed. It accepts very soft water and up to even brackish water. Easily reproduced from small adventitious plants which is formed on the older leaves. When they are large enough they will break off from the mother plant and float or you can cut them from the mother plant yourself and replant as you did the mother plant. Height 20-35cm, Width, 12-18cm, Light low-high, Temperature 22-30ºC, pH tolerance neutral, Hardness tolerance … average-hard. One of the hardest if not the hardest plant to kill.
Java Moss - Versicularia Dubyana
Attaches to rocks and roots and to driftwood. A slow starter till it has established it's self. Does not require any special attention. Accepts all kind of waters - even weakly brackish - all kind of light qualities at a wide range of temperature. Height 5cm upwards, Width, 5cm upwards, Light low-high, Temperature .. 15-28ºC, pH tolerance .. acid-basic, Hardness tolerance … soft-hard. Another hard to destroy plant.
Vallisneria Gigantea - Vallisneria Americana
The current and therefore correct name is Vallisneria americana var. americana Michaux. There are several varieties that are sold in the shops most of them are cultural forms with more or less variation in leaf morphology. Most can produce leaves of up to two metres in length. In deep tanks these will reach the surface where they are effective competitors for light. The leaves may be cut down. This reduces the plant growth and does not look nice. Performs best in large show aquaria. Shows optimum growth in hard waters with moderate to intense flow. The root system can reach very high densities and a substrate of at least 10 cm is therefore recommended. Height 50-200cm, Width 15-25cm, Light average-high, Temperature .. 18-28ºC, pH tolerance .. neutral-basic, Hardness tolerance … hard. This is a very easy plant to care for.
Vallisneria Spiralis
Beautiful plant with conspicuous transverse darker bands on the leaves, beauty, sturdiness and fast growing characters. Accepts all kind of waters. Does not require much light to maintain high growth rates. Height 30-35cm, Width 15-30cm, Light low-high, Temperature .. 15-30ºC, pH tolerance acid-neutral, Hardness tolerance … soft-hard. Easy plant to take care of.
Anacharis / Elodea - Egeria Densa
Good plant for beginners, and with its rapid growth it helps create a balance in the aquarium from the start. Help prevent algae because it absorbs a great number of nutrients from the water. The plant secretes antibiotic substances which help prevent blue-green algae (a type of bacteria). The growth rate depends largely on the amount of light and nutrition available. Growth does not stop in unfavourable conditions, but the plant turns light in colour and the tendrils grow thin. Height 40-100cm, Width 3-5cm, Light medium-very high, Temperature .. 10-26ºC, pH tolerance 5-10pH, Hardness tolerance … soft-very hard. Easy plant to care for.
Cryptoloryne Beckettii
One of the most popular aquaria plants for more than 60 years. An amphibious plant and it grows very well submerged. A heavy root feeder will need to use root tabs. Looks best in groups though very variable in colours and morphology. Due to variation within the species but also the water, light and sediment influence the colour of the leaves. Height 15-20cm, Width 10-15cm, Light Low-high, Temperature .. 20-26ºC, pH tolerance .. acid-neutral, Hardness tolerance … soft-hard. Another easy plant to have in the aquarium.
Cryptoloryne Wendtii
There are many variations of this plant ranging from brown/ red to green to Mi Oya to Tropica's version. If the plant is affected by the so called cryptocoryne disease, do not remove it from the aquarium because a few weeks later it will produce new shoots. Crypt disease is when the leaves start to dye off. This can happen for several reasons most commonly is due to stress on the plant from too warm water, sudden changes in water chemistry things like that. They rebound from it very quickly. These are root feeders as well. Height 15-25cm, Width 10-15cm, Light low-high, Temperature .. 20-30ºC, pH tolerance .. 5.5-9pH, Hardness tolerance … soft-very hard. I have found this to be another hard to kill plant.
Well class that ends this session of Plants and what they need. I think I now have the longest post on the board or it's real close.