Fish In Tanks? No, Thanks! Peta Article

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Am I glad I watched the video before I responded. Much better said and a lot more polite than my first thoughts.

Even duct tape can't cure stupidity...but it can muffle the sound.
Whilst I'm, broadly speaking, sympathetic to PETA's claims, they do have a tendency to go a step (or two) too far, IMHO.

I would remind people, though, that this is a public forum so do be aware we can't say anything potentially defamatory.
Wow, i guess that means we should also have screensaver chickens and cows lol. just educate the people in the hobby and you won't have the issue of unhealthy environments and tank sizes. 
Living in the mecca of activism (San Francisco) has taught me that nothing humans can do will be correct in the eyes of some people.
While I can appreciate that people want to protect animals (rightfully so) it would be a shame if we only had pictures of animals to know that they exist.
One of the sources they use (12) is an article about fish intelligence. Their quote claims that:
"Fish have cognitive abilities that equal and sometimes surpass those of nonhuman primates. They can recognize individuals, use tools, and maintain complex social relationships."
That's not what their source article says. The article claims that fish can determine the social standing of others. It makes no claim that fish are smarter than primates or that they use tools. I thought it's been scientific knowledge for years that fish (and most other animals)  are able to establish and maintain (And therefore understand) a social hierarchy. 
I can agree with Peta, animals have a consciousness (Not persay as complex as that of a human, but certainly all animals have some type of consciousness) And deserve to be protected.
But making up quotes and inaccurately sourcing them to fuel a point isn't a good way to get their point across. 
I completely agree (with most fishkeepers and PETA) that Glofish is inhumane and morally wrong. But also, true fishkeepers dont keep fish to just have a decoration, they keep fish to appreciate them, and take pride in caring for them. 
I cant even be bothered to read the article at this moment as nothing PETA do or say is worth listening to. The whole organisation is just a scam to get money out of people by playing on their emotions. If PETA had their way, nobody would have pets of any kind (certainly never going to happen and not a concept i agree with) and for an organisation that believes all animals would be better off dead than in captivity.... i don't know why they get so much support from pet owners. Certainly in America they take in hundreds of cats and dogs etc and even encourage people to sign them over in the believe they will be rehomed but they don't own boarding kennels or catteries, all the animals they take in are euthanized. Plenty of news paper articles out there on it... I wouldn't give anything to any animal rights activists.. they always end up causing more harm than helping and most are hellbent on destroying the hobbies, reptile keepers are getting the worst of it at the moment.
PETA kills more animals than any other organization which rescues and cares for animals. The link below is hosted by an anti PETA organization. It shows a report by the Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services from 07/07/2010. In their supposed animal shelter. You will read this in the report:
2902010 animal custody records were reviewed. 17 or 6% were recorded as adopted or in foster homes, 273 or 94% were recorded as euthanized. Of these, 245 or 90% were euthanized within the first 24
hours of custody.
PETA may as well stand for Please Eat This Animal. If the only thing that could save your child's life required the death of an animal, PETA would save the animal.
i would never dream of harming an animal and hate to see them mis-treated but i really don't think organisations like PETA are very good. They just seem so ill informed and gets the wrong message across to naive and unknowing people 
I am vegetarian and try to avoid wearing or using anything made from animals such as certain shampoos, shimmer lipsticks as much as I can.
A few years ago I was interested in joining PETA and even went to a few "Ateam" meetings and read up about everything.
I thought I'd learn and maybe help educate others and do some good but it Took me about 2 or 3 visits to realise they were all crackpots who just wanted me to go and protest somewhere.
it was all about the protests but I had to find my own people and group to go with while they sat back = more publicity = more money for them and they were actually quite scary people
At least they had a few good things to say. Get the biggest tank possible in your budget, research your fish to see if they need companionship, treat the tap water during WC, ext.
" Fragile tropical fish, who were born to dwell in the majestic seas and forage among ..."
LOLOL majestic seas? What a pack of Twits
I didn't have to read any further than the first line
I will admit to owning an airpump. It's in a cupboard somewhere.....

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