Fish Im Not Supposed To Have


it's a shame stupidity isn't painfull
Jan 9, 2006
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my brother in law has a tank which he no longer uses, its been sitting in the kitchen with the water in but with no heater and no pumps working, he asked me if i wanted it, then 3 days later he went to clean in out and there were tiny (1.5mm) fish swimming in there

how is this possible
Hi smurfy :)

I'm glad you will be getting a new tank! :thumbs:

It's possible that whatever fish he had in there spawned and a few of the eggs hatched. They could be eating the microorganisms that live in an established tank.

What kind of fish did he keep in there and what happened to them? Do you plan to raise the little fry? :unsure:
Hi smurfy :)

I'm glad you will be getting a new tank! :thumbs:

It's possible that whatever fish he had in there spawned and a few of the eggs hatched. They could be eating the microorganisms that live in an established tank.

What kind of fish did he keep in there and what happened to them? Do you plan to raise the little fry? :unsure:

the only fish he had both male an dfemale of were japanese fighter fish he had 1 male and 3 female then he went out a bought a huge corner tank and put them in there unfortunatly the females didnt take well to the new tank and died
yeah we kept th fish not sure what to feed em though
you mean siamese fighting fish? like in my sig?
in which case you're not meant to keep males and females together, the male kills the females, and if less than 4 females, the females will kill each other too.

i don't think bettas could have spawned and then just hatched in the tank, could they??
I would doubt they would be bettas, I was asking if youd kept them to see if there was any chance of a picture?.....that would help alot.
well he did and really it had nothing to do with me and the fish didnt really fight at all

im going over to his the weekend i could probably get some pics then
hmm. get us pics of the babies!

edit: so they were Bettas he had in that tank?
but im guessing thell be hard to see due to there size

any ideas on wot 2 feed them
if they are indeed bettas, look up Betta Fry on the internet
they'll need BBS (baby brine shrimp) and lots of other special care.

were there any other fish in the tank?
livebearers like guppies/platys etc? those fry would have more of a chance of survival than bettas.
i really have no idea about the fish he kept in that tank othere then 2 very nice plecos (they were yellow)
hmm. i think we'll need a pic of the fry and exactly what he kept in the tank before we can tell you how to care for them. they all have different needs.
Haha! This reminds me of the first tank I had when I was little...all the fish had died so the tank just sat there with water and one day over a year later we saw movement in the tank..and the catfish was still alive. We didn't see him in the tank when the rest died so we figured he'd been eatten, but he was still alive. :p

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