Fish Identification Game V4

ncguppy830 said:
I had more info though.

wait a sec

PlecostomusPerson said:
Does NC stand for North Carolina? not to get anywhere personal you're in the US so it was just a thought.
yea it does thats where i live.


species and common and if you cheat you will be wrong
I hate to tell you but this is not a betta breviobesus.   It is a member of the Betta Picta complex.  The pic is not good enough to differentiate between the 3 of the 4 species in that complex.  It could be B. Simplex, B. Falx, or B. Taeniata.  I personally have 2 species in this complex (B. Simplex and B. Picta) so it is easy for me to recognize. 
Paradise3 said:
Brachygobius xanthozonus
No... You already said that...
ug i give up
Wildbetta said:

I had more info though.

wait a sec

PlecostomusPerson said:
Does NC stand for North Carolina? not to get anywhere personal you're in the US so it was just a thought.
yea it does thats where i live.


species and common and if you cheat you will be wrong
I hate to tell you but this is not a betta breviobesus.   It is a member of the Betta Picta complex.  The pic is not good enough to differentiate between the 3 of the 4 species in that complex.  It could be B. Simplex, B. Falx, or B. Taeniata.  I personally have 2 species in this complex (B. Simplex and B. Picta) so it is easy for me to recognize. 

Really the website said it was one......
Brachygobius doriae - Bumble Bee Goby. B. xanthozonus/xanthona are not thought to exist at all except maybe in museums.
Edit: It looks like a B. breviobesus to me :/
Caudal fin is different in betta breviobesus which is one of the distinguishing marks of the Betta Pugnax complex of which it is a member.  :D  Just thought I would impart some information.  I mainly only know bettas so this game is fun to watch and learn new fish.  :)
Young ones would not be showing the coloring that the original pic is showing so it wouldn't be a young one without the caudal spike. That pic that you posted Paradise is a pic of betta breviobesus although the color on that pic is a bit off and not showing the coloring. 
By the way, I was not meaning to take anyone's "win" away or anything.  Wild bettas can get confusing and there are a lot of them that don't get exposure so I just like to make sure that they are being represented like they should.  :)   No offense at all is meant by any of this just in case it is taken that way. 
Wildbetta said:
Young ones would not be showing the coloring that the original pic is showing so it wouldn't be a young one without the caudal spike. That pic that you posted Paradise is a pic of betta breviobesus although the color on that pic is a bit off and not showing the coloring. 
By the way, I was not meaning to take anyone's "win" away or anything.  Wild bettas can get confusing and there are a lot of them that don't get exposure so I just like to make sure that they are being represented like they should.  
  No offense at all is meant by any of this just in case it is taken that way. 
I know you mean no offence, it just looks like a B. breviobesus to me from that website I linked to which uses the photo that NC put up under the name B. breviobesus :)

Personally I believe all but the pic that is not in correct color on that website are actually pics of B. Taienta by looking at some of the other features between all 3 pics but it is no big deal either way as by this time it is a moot point. 
Anyway, it's your go NC if you'd like. You got most of the name correct for the BBG and I do admit it was a bit of a tougher one as they all get called Brachygobius xanthozona/xanthozonus :)

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