Fish Identification Game V4

Its not actually a green pleco..... It is one of these, I forgot. lol. no but its the middle one


hint: A daisy color on the hair, with something that is not suppose to be there. A beard full of bristles around the mouth, edged with color out and about.
Lol figured why not a rhyme....  
man, an you get a better pic then because then nobody will find out
hm... seems as if i was gone for too long
Yup, PP has gone offline so you can go now if you want, :)
Make it so the pictures have to be at least 400x400. :p On a regular image board, thumbnails are blasphemy.
I'm going ... to sleep ! :p
Next person who posts a picture wins!! Go go go!
Incredibly easy - Both scientific/latin and common please :)

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