Fish Identification Game V2

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Is it a blue cobalt cichlid - maylandia callainos?
  Oh you guys.
This fish will grow to be a little monster, at nearly 14 inches and a semi aggressive personality!
Electric blue hap sciaenochromis fryeri?
Or is it Sciaenochromis ahli - Electric Blue Hap? XD
Some pictures of this fish have a dark line from head to tail that cant quite be seen in mine.
The max size of yours is half that of mine!
9 inches =/= 14 inches...but I suppose in appearance it looks slightly closer. Not that bold of a black line.
DreamertK said:
9 inches =/= 14 inches...but I suppose in appearance it looks slightly closer. Not that bold of a black line.
Ah, OK.
I'm stumped again then.
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