Fish I.d

I was watching the freddy's for a while in maidenheads and they are crazy, all they did was chase and try to bite each other. I would say they around 4-5 inches each and have no clue to whether they are male or female... Or mixed...

I want to do what's best for the dovii but at the same time I wouldn't feel right just giving it away or selling it just yet... That probably sounds strange lol

Is a "nondopsis haitiensis" also referred to as the "haitian cichlid" and/or "the black nasty"? If so then I believe they can hit around 16 inches and even give the dovii a run for their money in aggression? Very nice looking IMO
That's them. It isn't their length that concerns me, but their overall size. They are true monsters. Chunky isn't really the word. Lol.
That's them. It isn't their length that concerns me, but their overall size. They are true monsters. Chunky isn't really the word. Lol.
Haha I started watching that and 1st thing I thought was "hmm... That doesn't look like a Haitian, and its not even that big".... And then he went over to the 2nd tank lol

It's a big boy alright (or girl??) lol
This one is the owner says is 10 inches in length, there are males dovii's on YouTube that are said to be 16-20 inches in length and almost 3 inches thick!! That's a scary thought lol
The male that was at Wharf Aquatics was around 18", a real sight to see. The female was kept seperated from him and the sign advised they be kept that way unless breeding was wanted.

If I had an 8ft tank and £130 I would have had them.
Could a pair be kept in an 8ft tank then? Though that might of been a bit small?

Worth thinking about for when I get mine maybe..
I would be happy to keep a pair in there.... but that's me.

£6.95 each or 2 for £12 at my LFS today. They were of the highest quality too which was good to see.

Also had Salvini's in that were real quality too. Looked to be all males though to my untrained eye. :/
Ah that sounds promising then, may try a pair..

Sorry? What was £6.95.. The hiatian's? If so then that's a great price for something like that.

As for the salvini's, I have no idea about which are males and which are females, my knowledge on them would go as far as pointing one out in my LFS (if they had any) but that's about it lol
The Dovvii. The Black Nasty were a similar price I believe.

Salvini's were two for 10 iirc.
Ah right... My dovii has gone into hiding and I hardly see it now unless its late at night and the lights are off :(

There is no change in the water stats... Ammonia 0 nitrite 0 nitrates 20 PH 8.2. Temp 27 degrees c...

Done a 50% water change to be on the safe side, added seachem prime to new water, did gravel vac, made sure new water was around the same temp... Everything I usually do. He doesn't even come out for food. The tank is out of direct sunlight and the light is on a timer for 6 hours a day.

Any ideas? There is a pot, some driftwood and a bridge iv made out of rocks... He is always hiding somewhere so it looks as though the tank is empty... Not really what I wanted.

Maybe I could add dithers of some sort to get him confident about coming out? If so then what should I add? I know taking the hiding places out is just going to make him more nervous.
Oh no. Bog cichlids can often go into sulks if something has changed such as tank mates and surroundings.

As for dithers... erm... Silver Dollars? Red Hooks? Potentially still food for them though. :/
I have heard of oscars going into sulking moods and not really doing a lot but never other cichlids. Although iv been doing a lot of reading online today and it seems younger dovii's are known for being shy and hiding away... Some stay that way whilst others get more confident with age.

That's sort of answered to why he's hiding but what I'm confused with is the first couple of days he seemed fine but then he just disappeared into hiding :(

When I asked the previous owner she said that the dovii had never had tank mates apart from a 3 inch plec which she said it never bothered. It could be the surroundings causing it, or the stress of being moved around but it's hard to say. Whilst I was hoping he would of been settled by now I understand that some fish take longer than others.

This was my worry to the dithers to be fair, again iv seen online cases of mature male dovii's taking on and beating equal size jags, flowerhorns, butti's and so on so what chance would something like a silver dollar have... Or is it a case of they attack other cichlids as they see them as a potential threat? Is it worth the risk... I'm not too sure
Pirhanna? Lol. I'm not sure mate tbh. As much as I love them I would say they're singular fish, possibly a few robust plecs...

The missus's uncle has a 6ft tank and has a pair of Oscars, a big jag and a 5" GT. The GT is the boss, lol... all depends on the individual fish as always. Maybe worth a go to bring it out... just be vigilant once you have added something. Lol.
Hmm never seen piranhas with dovii's, although I have seen people keep them with oscars and flowerhorns...iv owned 5 red belly piranhas and I must say although feeding time can be somewhat entertaining to watch, I wouldn't say they are the best fish to have if you want an "active" tank.

Ok, I don't want to start a new thread if I don't have to.. But, let's say he starts to come out on his own, I get my 8ft tank, move him into that and all is good.. Would I have a better chance of adding another cichlid (say a green terror, I like them lol) in my rio 400 with my Flowerhorn?

Now bare in mind my flowerhorn is just nudging 5" at the mo, so by jan-feb when I get the 8ft tank, given his rapid growth so far I'm expecting him to be around 7-8" maybe even 9" unless he suddenly starts to slow down lol


Cichlids being cichlids, is it again just a case of "have a go and see how it works out"??

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