Fish Dead, Think Ive Got A Problem

just a quick update:

1st water change done last night at 2045:

high ph 7.4
ph 7.2
ammonia 0.25
nitrite 0.25
nitrates 10

2nd water change done today at 11:15:

high ph 7.4
ph 7.2
ammonia 0.25
nitrite 0
nitrates 10

would seem some readings have changed slightly apart from the ammonia, going to do another water change in 4 hours, 25%, ive also put in a spare filteration system in from the spare tank, 65 litres, to try and get the readings down quicker
Did you check the water BEFORE adding chems, or adding to tank ? If so, I would suspect a duff test kit...
just a quick update:

1st water change done last night at 2045:

high ph 7.4
ph 7.2
ammonia 0.25
nitrite 0.25
nitrates 10

2nd water change done today at 11:15:

high ph 7.4
ph 7.2
ammonia 0.25
nitrite 0
nitrates 10

would seem some readings have changed slightly apart from the ammonia, going to do another water change in 4 hours, 25%, ive also put in a spare filteration system in from the spare tank, 65 litres, to try and get the readings down quicker
Carry on with w/c and do not feed your fish try and do a 40%w/c
Sorry for late readings, been testing my tap water again, the fish have not been fed for 2 days now, here are the current readings after another 30% change

Tap Water:

Kh 3
Gh 3
Ammonia 0
Ph 7.6
High Ph 8.2
Nitrite 0
Nitrates 5


High Ph 7.4
Ph 7.2
Ammonia 0.25
Nitrite 0
Nitrates 10

Hope this helps people. thanks for everyone who has so far offered there oponion and advice
Can I just ask why you are testing pH and high pH?
If you have high pH it will always read at top level on the pH test and if you have normal pH it will read at the lowest on the High pH test.
I am going on API test kit here, but you should probably only need the 'normal pH' test I would have thought :blink:

The water changes can only do good things and as you still have Amonia it may need another soon.

Good Luck
Just another quick update:

going to do another 30% change in a few mins, here are the current readings:

Ammonia 0.25
Nitrite 0
nitrates 10

Miss wigle, water drop, would you like me to keep posting my readings?
The ammonia CANNOT be the same after several water changes.... I would try another test kit !
I think somthing is not quite right here, just done another ammonia test and its still 0.25ppm

for a test i did some things, these are:

1), took out some ornamonts and left in bucket of water from tap, tap water does not have ammonia present, checked this morning, there is 0.25 ammonia presen

2), taken water from output pipe of filter, this also measures 0.25 ammonia

3) goldfish tank measurment taken, also 0.25 ammonia

4) new fish tank just brought, just filled with water, about to start a cyle on it, been left running for one week with nothing added and no fish, this reads 0.25 ammonia

just retestes tap water and no ammonia present, do you guys think its a faulty test kit, its been very reliable for the last 4 months, surly it can not have gone off?
I think somthing is not quite right here, just done another ammonia test and its still 0.25ppm

for a test i did some things, these are:

1), took out some ornamonts and left in bucket of water from tap, tap water does not have ammonia present, checked this morning, there is 0.25 ammonia presen

2), taken water from output pipe of filter, this also measures 0.25 ammonia

3) goldfish tank measurment taken, also 0.25 ammonia

4) new fish tank just brought, just filled with water, about to start a cyle on it, been left running for one week with nothing added and no fish, this reads 0.25 ammonia

just retestes tap water and no ammonia present, do you guys think its a faulty test kit, its been very reliable for the last 4 months, surly it can not have gone off?

Try some bottled water... try some "human" water... my monies STILL on a duff test kit - or human error (sorry) where abouts are you ? perhaps a local could lend a hand... or take a small amount of water to the local fish shop - they will test it for free..... if not find another shop :-(

If you are local, or even want to post to me, I am happy to retest for you.
Just brought a new ammonia test kit, got to pick up the kids, ill repost my latest test results from the new test kit in a few hours
Just brought a new ammonia test kit, got to pick up the kids, ill repost my latest test results from the new test kit in a few hours

Ok, will await results.... fingers crossed ! You are not a million miles away - offer still stands if you need it.
yeah it sounds like a duff test kit, in this sort of circumstance it's often good to take a sample of water to the lfs and ask them to test it.
ok guys, managed to get home at last!

here are the results from the middle of tank as usuall:

Ammonia 0.25 Still!

I think im going have to take up the fine offer from Rooster, where abouts in notts are you Rooster?

This is how I do my test, hopfully someone can see if im doing it wrong, take 5ml sample from tank via test tube, fill ammonia from bottle 1 with 8 drops, add 8 drops from bottle 2 ammonia, put cap on, shake for 5 seconds then leave for 5 mins, final colour is the indicated levels, this is a api test kit

about ready for pulling my hair out, lol
I don't know if it would make any difference but have you tried leaving some tap water in a bowl overnight and then testing it for ammonia.

I know the ph of my tapwater rises overnight. Maybe ammonia is the same?
Thanks everyone for the ideas, just doing another ammonia test as type this, just waiting for the final colour, ive just got a new glass and filled it with water, i will test this in the morning for ammonia as sneezy suggests

the reading is:

ammonia 0.25 ppm

:hyper: :crazy:

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