Fish Bowl Fish

For the Betta, I do a 100 % water change each week at the same time I do my partial water change on my main tank. The bowl is too small to do a partial water change. Now that I am feeling abit guilty -_- , I am going to dig out and clean a 2 gal bowl I have in the basement and give the Betta a bigger home. :)
I have had fish for 4 or more years. Bowls are the worst things ever. Do not get a fish bowl. Rather get a 10 gallon tank. Not a lot of fish will live in 70 degree water. That's absolutely freezing! If you got a tank with a heater, it would open up the amount of fish you could have. Most tropical fish live in tmeperatures of 76-82 degrees farenheit (24-28 celcius). If you have some live plants and algae eaters you probably won't have to do extensive cleaning, but dedication will be required. If your daughter is under 12, i highly recommend that you do not get her a fish tank, because they do not understand how much responsibility it is.
Well said,we once bought our 5 year old a little tank for his room containing a few guppies and 2 borneo suckers,that is until we caught him one morning stirring the tank up with the lid :eek:

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