Personally, just because I am being careful normally, I don't like experimenting with temperatures too or anything, unless something doesn't work or something goes wrong.
For example, I change 50% water weekly and my thermometer(digital) rarely showed more than 0.5-1C difference as I use the hot water too in the tap(via a python) and I like keeping it that way because that's too short of a period, so no anecdotal experience with rapid temperature change besides a few shrimp who made it with no issues.
But because I can't concentrate sometimes, I've left the heaters off so many times after a water change, I can't count how many times, all my tanks. It did take gradual change as it always took me a day to notice(when I had to feed them the day after), but the funny thing was that the "tropical" fish didn't show any signs of distress at such low temperatures and the fish were swimming around as if nothing happened regardless of a drop from 25-27-ish depending on tank, to below 20-ish(around 19-20 normally) The only reason I noticed was because when I put the food in, my hand got cold...So far, all my negligence didn't even lead to a secondary issue, like a disease or similar and I was lucky. I am thankful for that. But the last couple of times I did it, I just didn't even blink when I found out, plugged the heaters back on and forgot all about it.
This is totally anecdotal, but still gives a small insight at least to which degree clown loaches, corys, plecos, platies, guppies, beta, otos, and shrimp can still be ok, when the drop in temperature is so gradual, and doesn't always lead to a disaster.
And about just droping fish in tanks, I do that between my tanks with any fish(even with my ottos) but then the parameters are identical and temperature difference is max 2-3C so there's totally no need. Now I just setup a tank with soil, so I am expecting a totally different story with the parameters there, so I'll probably acclimate any fish I move but then I don't expect it to take 3hrs.
P.S. I hate my lenghty posts. I would undestand why someone would skip and don't read and I think I need to learn to stop rambling..
Nothing scientific, but who would ever want to keep Otocinclus cocama?
I would

I don't even know what the proper name for my new ones is.
I am glad you are back.Without you we wouldn't have had such a lenghty discussion over this

Clash of opinions isn't a bad thing always as long as everyone learns not to take anything personally, and realizes this is a learning experience for all, and we can never know enough.