First Time Salty ~370L

Got an nice large purple sponge too, which I haved just moved a bit so it isn't stuck under another rock :/ various snails, loads of feathers, various bristle worms and a load of sea squirts.

There is something that I can't get an ID on, it only comes out at night, worm like that recedes into a hole in the rock (only seen it on my small piece of tonga branch). Not sure on the colour as I've only seen it under red light, has a darker rear 1/4 which the rest of the lighter 3/4 can also recede into. No bristles, long and smooth and thin around 2-3mm wide, and 60mm long at most. It always stays attached to the rock, and picks at gravel/bits on the rock and sucks it inside itself, you can see it move up the body :blink:

I've seen pictures of that, and says it's called a peanut worm because it looks like one... although this doesn't seem to be that fat, though I have just read the description again and it says it bores into rock, and that's kind of what it was doing, maybe...
Nah, doesnt look like a peanut:


This is one

Seffie x
Definitely not like that, but didn't rule it out as not all Sipunculida have the peanut appearance.

Doesn't have any kind of protrusions like that on the end, I'll just try and get some photos under red light later.
06th June 2010 18:01

Temperature 26.2c Display Tank
26.3c Sump
Salinity 1.026
PH 8.1
PO4/Phosphate 0
NH4/Ammonia 0.25
NO2/Nitrite 0.025
NO3/Nitrate 5

Still cannot find ammonia so using food, and I think I've been under estimating the amount. I hate these test kits as well! (Salifert).
Few more odd pictures. Wife has been getting a bit excited over the amount of stars she can see (30+ easily) and some largish ones in there too (photo).

Sponge is a little hidden away, viewable from the other side, I had a photo but it just looks like a bum. The sponge had another rock sat on it for while :/

Got some white growy spongy stuff too (going to post separately to get some kind of ID).

I assume you mean #3, it does look like it when searching, although does vary slightly from most images, maybe it's just me.

What is a bit more worrying is the other day I saw something... and it was playing on my mind yet I cannot find where it is, but I saw an image of Aiptasia and it reminded me... I could be miles off, I really need another look but cannot find it.
Majano has gone :devil: using a liberal amount of directed blue fire, bwahahaha. Scape is a little messed up right now though.

Anyway, FINALLY got myself some ammonia.

And I have some brown patches on my sand so I am assuming diatoms?

But I also have some brown algae on the glass - related?

Still looking for some ID on various items if anyone can help
Yep brown stuff - part of the cycle in a new tank

And cool, you burnt the mojano :devil:

Seffie x

woops, will go look at the other thing you want identified

Yep brown stuff - part of the cycle in a new tank

And cool, you burnt the mojano :devil:

Seffie x

woops, will go look at the other thing you want identified
Mostly sponges I've been told (as they look like that anyway). Although some questions on #2 as to if it is good.

Should I attempt to clean the brown algae on the glass or leave it for now?

My "normal" looking sponge has a FACE!

Found some Aiptasia... so got the rock out and burned it, bwahaha.

Got some of the other bits of rock out and cleared off the questionable sponge, and put it in the sump for now. I know for some things this doesn't help, but better than nothing - until I have a better confirmation at least.

The flatter looking white sponge with holes everywhere, not the one with tendrils is making me paranoid now :sad:
Test of today... I now have ammonia and have been dosing it daily as per calculator.

24th June 2010 15:02

Temperature	26.2c Display Tank (Room Temp = 24.8c)
		26.9c Sump
Salinity	1.026
PH		8.3
PO4/Phosphate	0
NH4/Ammonia	>2 (top of chart - because I just did the tests )
NO2/Nitrite	+4 (top of chart)
NO3/Nitrate	~75

From reading a lot recommend the Salifert tests, but these only go up to 2ppm for Ammonia, how does everyone get to 5ppm when dosing? I've only just started with it so used the previous number which was under 2ppm and added the difference.

Nitrite seems to be spiking now. :good:

I'm not happy with my heaters, tank temp sometimes goes all over the place (in relation to room temp, no direct light either etc). Going to get a temperature controller and slap a clip fan on the sump too - an ATC-800 or equivalent - does anyone know of a controller that can run more than one temp sensor?

Going to get my thumb out and sort the new powerhead cabling today, and get my light ballasts into the sump.

And fix/install the skimmer... (looking for a replacement if its cheap, otherwise need to get proper silicone).

I've fitted a ball valve on feed from display tank to sump. This is so I can slow the flow down to reduce the amount of air pulled through (but obviously letting through much more than the return pump can push) and so I can take out the pipe to fiddle with the length and position to make the bubbles quieter.

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