First Tank Need Advice On Fish


New Member
Jan 1, 2008
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I've just set up my first tropical fish tank (30 gallon) and I'm looking for any advice on which fish to get.

So far, I have 8 Zebra Danio's,

I had thought about getting 6 Five Banded Barbs, 2 guppy's, 2 Molley's and 1 Zebra pleco

I would also like two larger very colourful fish ( 4") each max. No idea on that one. I want ones that won't attack the plants or each other.
The Danio's are great at shoaling, and I'm considering getting some small terta's maybe around 8- 10, not sure which type.
I'm currently into my second week of cycling so I'm in no hurry to get my next few fish, I'm just looking for ideas at the moment.

I've attached pics of my new tank.




Many thanks

I'm new at this as well, so I can't comment on much, but you might want to reconsider the Zebra pleco for the moment. I looked into them a bit too, and it seems they are hard to find and pretty expensive ($100+). Personally, I wouldn't put a $100 fish in a new tank with my experience level, but that's something for you to consider.
I'm new at this as well, so I can't comment on much, but you might want to reconsider the Zebra pleco for the moment. I looked into them a bit too, and it seems they are hard to find and pretty expensive ($100+). Personally, I wouldn't put a $100 fish in a new tank with my experience level, but that's something for you to consider.

Thanks P&J :good:

I didn't realise they were that expensive, I will give that a miss for now.

I'm finding this more complicated than I was expecting. :crazy:

As said above Zebra plecos are VERY hard to get hold of and can cost anything for $200-$800 so really wouldn't recommend that especially without experience. Also I have heard that people with Zebra plecos only like to sell them to breeders.

Five banded barbs are very nice, they are community versions of tiger barbs but are VERY shy they need lots of plants in the tank and no big fish. I have 4 of them and even with peaceful gouramis they barely get a look in when it comes to food so I have to get them food that sinks. They also don't really like bright light so need plenty of shade and floating plants are a good idea.

Danios are a good starting fish for a tank. Guppys and Mollys are also nice but remember Mollys are live bearers so be prepared for fry. Also not sure how impressive only 2 guppys would look in a 30g but I guess that's personal preference.

If you'd like a larger centerpiece gouramis are very nice but you really need to get 1 male to 2 females and the females aren't so colourful. I have a dwarf gourami who is lovely looking and he has 2 girlfriends to kerb his aggression.

Lastly the small tetras 8-10 is a good number, the obvious thing to go for would be neons as they are bright and look great in shoals. Really with the tetras you should go to your LFS find something you like and then do a bit of research, see how big it grows etc.

Good Luck
I think Honey gouramis would be a better choice than Dwarves, at least in the UK, as I have read in PFK, January 2007, that due to the mass production of Dwarf Gouramis they are not as hardy as they used to be, I think they said it was a virus, but I'll have to check when I get home
I think Honey gouramis would be a better choice than Dwarves, at least in the UK, as I have read in PFK, January 2007, that due to the mass production of Dwarf Gouramis they are not as hardy as they used to be, I think they said it was a virus, but I'll have to check when I get home

Correct, inbreeding has made them suseptible to a viral and also internal bactirial infection, often making them short lived as both conditions are almost impossible to treat once sysmptoms show. Also, dwarg goramis can be aggressive, whereas honeys are not. Both growing to the same size, I know where my preference is....Red Robin Gorami are a colour morph of the honeys, giving then a bright red appeance, if you are looking for more colour :good:

Just checked my old issue of PFK, Issue 2 2007, the vrus is called Dwarf Gourami Iridovirus. The first symptons are a darkening of the body and lethargy. Eventually the fish stops eating and dies, which is a real shame as they are really nice looking fish.

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