Cover the tank with a sheet when you're entertaining! I have to cover everything when my parents come cos they fear anything living without fur. Whenever I'm entertaining I just cover them with towels
How did you find keeping centipedes? I've always wanted to keep tarantulas but my mums boyfriend is scared of spiders can't wait tiller move out.. A room for creepy crawlies and a room for fish ;-)
Think im aiming too high? Im only a student lol ;-)
Centipedes? I have kept them and I still have a few wandering around the house somewhere .
Those guys are major escape artists.
I do not treat centipedes as insects, more like poisonous snakes that you would only touch with a 10 foot pole. I have felt the wrath of those little buggers and it is not pretty. A sting from the tiger centipede compares with a sting from a 2 foot long tandanus ( that's another story ) .
So, should you keep centipedes in your mum's home?
It's up to you but as your mum is afraid of spiders she is probably not going to like centipedes crawling across her pillow. A less harmful centipede type creature is a millipede which don't bite, are completely harmless and are also escape artist.