your right about starting off properly, and it really is down to all you guys (n gals

) great advice!
I think I learnt another valuable lesson you can see from the last lot of tank pics, the plants had gone absolutely crazy. Much of the tank had become so overgrown that there was actually little free space for the fish to swim around in! Much of this was down to a few of the 'feathery' plants, the cabomba types ones that had put on something like 12" new growth, but some of the stem plants had done their bit really had become time to prune!
The plants I ordered from Greenline on Tuesday arrived as promised on Friday morning (well packaged as ever!). I took them all out of their packets and plonked them into a bucket, where they sat until this morning. The Glosso arrived in matted clumps, and I spent a good 30 minutes gently teasing them apart into little plantlets. I lais them all out on a sheet of damp newspaper. I did the same thing with the clover, which had arrived on runners, so actually got about 25-30 of each.
The dwarf sag was a little easier to cope with, and just needed a quick shake under water to get rid of any loose bits of leaf and other detritus.
So, I'm all set, plants laid out and ready to go. I figured that the best thing to do would be to make my weekly 50% water change, prune and then plant. So, I emptied half of the tank only to realise that the plants that had been floating pretty much upright in the tank, were now a huge mass of matted leaves
I peered down into the tank and didn't know where to start!!!!!!!! A bit too late to turn back...I slowly started to snip away at the most obvious offenders, and just kept going! I must have removed a decent half bucket worth. My problem was that with so much water out of the tank, I really didn't know whether what i had done was too much or too little! Too late now though!
As well as pruning, I decided to move some of the stems into a different position. The Hygro took a hard prune before being moved to the back of the tank...I think it will look much better here, and hopefully not impose itself so much on the tank.
At this point is was time to add the new plants...I treated myself to a set of tweezers, and can honestly say that I'm not sure how I would have coped with the Glosso without them! Each plantelt was positioned about 2-3cm aprt and I managed to cover a decent sized area to the front right hand side of the tank (this is the place that gets the most light). The clover was planted in a similar fashion, and hopefully, the two will run into each other. The dwarf saggs went in next and sit on the right hand side of the foreground (where the hygro used to live).
Stripping out the excess growth has allowed much more light down on to the bottom of the tank, and I'm hoping that these new plants and the 'baby tears' will really take off.
So, all planted up, it was time to fill the tank back up. What a difference! The tank looks as though it's just come back from a trip to the hairdressers

I guess it will take a few days to fully recover, but it looks a lot better than it did!
As I was pruning, I chucked all of the cuttings into a bucket (which ended up half full). Once I had topped the tank back up, I went through all of the cuttings and discarded all of the rubbish bits. All of the decent stuff I trimmed, and removed an leaves from the bottom of the stem. I have left all of these in a bucket so that I can take another look at the tank tomorow and ad a few more bits if I decide I need to.
My lesson has been to trim the plants on a much more regular basis...I think little and often is probably the watch word. I imagine it is also easier to prune whilst the tank is still nearly full, as this will afford you a much better view of how things are coming along.
But for my first go, I'm quite pleased...the fish actually seem a bit happier with the extra room...I am going to work towards a fuller back and more open mid - foreground.
I can also see that I will spend a little while replacing things as I learn more about the plants I have in the tank, and what else is available. All part of the learning process I guess!
So, enough waffling...if you've read this far, you deserve a pic or two! Nothing too fancy, It was getting perilously close to my baby daughters bedtime, so I couldn't spend to long on things!
The Glosso plantlets...
The clover...
Pearling Clover
more on next post