To be honest, I really didn't think that the plants had grown much at all over the past week...but then, it was early days, and there still a lot to learn. So you can imagine how suprised I was when I took some photo's tonight and held them up against the ones taken 6 days ago and saw so much new growth!
Several plants managed to detach themselves over the course of the week, and for fear of winding the tank inhabitants up even more, I decided to let them float around for a few days. I'll get them back into position during tomorrows water change.
A few ideas are beginning to form up though...
1. I'm not overly keen on the Vallisneria (?) on the far left/rear.
2. I'm going to remove the cobbles and replace them and the open space behind them with some carpetting plants...riccia/glosso/clover (suggestions greatfully accepted!)
All the plants seem to be happy enough, I'm seeing lots of new growth on the stemmed plants, and lot's of the others are throwing out new leaves. I've had pearling now for three days too...all in all I'm really thrilled with the way things are coming along!
I'm going to give it another couple of weeks before I start getting rid of the plants I'm not so happy with the look of, and will slowly start to replce them with either cuttings of the current ones, or new and exciting ones!
Please feel free to chime in with any opinions, and suggestions for how to improve the layout..after all, this is still very much the 'first draft'!