I ripped out all the fake plants. They were driving me bonkers.
Hit up one of my favourite pet stores today (its about a 2 hour drive). While they didn't have any of the plants I wanted, I did leave with a cute foreground plant and my top dwellers.
The new additions to the tank:
-3 African Butterflyfish. I know I was only going to add two, but the third only costed me an extra $4.00, and the woman who was getting my stuff for me has kept five together in a tank slightly smaller than mine with no injury for years. They're about 2.5" long each. They've completely snubbed my flake food, and all that has been offered to the tank, so I'm going to head up to a more local store and buy them some crickets.
-10 of this plant... sag something or other. Going to post on the plant section and get it ID'd. They were "3 bundles for $11.00" so I grabbed three bundles. They came highly recommended and if they don't work in this tank, I'll move them to my higher light 5 gallon. I'm going shopping again tomorrow to try to find some more plants, and then again on Thursday likely. If I can't find what i need by Friday morning, I'm going to order more online.
The Hygro is driving me nuts. Loaches keep beaking it. It's going to be slowly removed and relocated to a 5 gallon and 10 gallon. I've put flourish tabs under the Wisteria, two groups of "unidentified plant" and under the crypts.
Two of my angels were found dead in the past 24 hours, I'm thinking it's just weak stock as my water is fine, and the last waterchange was only a few days ago. Two more angels have gone "MIA". I believe they died in the back of the tank and were eaten by the loaches before I could find them. I'm going to head up to the store I got them at and talk to the manager. He'll replace the two that I have bodies for, and if I take him pictures of my tank and a water sample, I'm pretty sure I can get him to replace the other two that died. One of the two survivors is totally healthy and social, the other is constantly hiding with the loaches. I've inspected the hide-r for signs of illness, but I'm coming up with nothing. COuld be that there's just not enough plants in the tank for it to feel comfortable.
Stocking in the tank is now:
3 african butterflyfish
1 neon tetra
12 serpae tetra
2 angelfish
4 yoyo loaches.
..Apparently I uploaded these, but never posted them. These are the pix that go with my last post:
..And today's pix!
I know the water looks gross in that last picture. I promise it's just dirty glass, coupled with bad flash and reflection, along with filter outflow bubbles.!
And the Plant to ID: Sold as sag something or other...
Hit up one of my favourite pet stores today (its about a 2 hour drive). While they didn't have any of the plants I wanted, I did leave with a cute foreground plant and my top dwellers.
The new additions to the tank:
-3 African Butterflyfish. I know I was only going to add two, but the third only costed me an extra $4.00, and the woman who was getting my stuff for me has kept five together in a tank slightly smaller than mine with no injury for years. They're about 2.5" long each. They've completely snubbed my flake food, and all that has been offered to the tank, so I'm going to head up to a more local store and buy them some crickets.
-10 of this plant... sag something or other. Going to post on the plant section and get it ID'd. They were "3 bundles for $11.00" so I grabbed three bundles. They came highly recommended and if they don't work in this tank, I'll move them to my higher light 5 gallon. I'm going shopping again tomorrow to try to find some more plants, and then again on Thursday likely. If I can't find what i need by Friday morning, I'm going to order more online.
The Hygro is driving me nuts. Loaches keep beaking it. It's going to be slowly removed and relocated to a 5 gallon and 10 gallon. I've put flourish tabs under the Wisteria, two groups of "unidentified plant" and under the crypts.
Two of my angels were found dead in the past 24 hours, I'm thinking it's just weak stock as my water is fine, and the last waterchange was only a few days ago. Two more angels have gone "MIA". I believe they died in the back of the tank and were eaten by the loaches before I could find them. I'm going to head up to the store I got them at and talk to the manager. He'll replace the two that I have bodies for, and if I take him pictures of my tank and a water sample, I'm pretty sure I can get him to replace the other two that died. One of the two survivors is totally healthy and social, the other is constantly hiding with the loaches. I've inspected the hide-r for signs of illness, but I'm coming up with nothing. COuld be that there's just not enough plants in the tank for it to feel comfortable.
Stocking in the tank is now:
3 african butterflyfish
1 neon tetra
12 serpae tetra
2 angelfish
4 yoyo loaches.
..Apparently I uploaded these, but never posted them. These are the pix that go with my last post:
..And today's pix!
I know the water looks gross in that last picture. I promise it's just dirty glass, coupled with bad flash and reflection, along with filter outflow bubbles.!
And the Plant to ID: Sold as sag something or other...